I'm in "I need a vacation from my vacation" mode. And my kids are on Spring Break, so it ain't exactly happenin'. My performance went very well. (I got to participate in an alumni orchestra concert honoring one of my college conductors, who was also the dean of the BYU School of music, and for a short time, my viola teacher as well). I reconnected with a lot of old friends and enjoyed being "back on stage". My musical involvement has been at a bit of a standstill since Sasha was born (at which point I stopped teaching and began waiting for the performance opportunities to pour in, lol). I'm committed to participate in a recital next month. So this orchestra reunion was a good kick in the pants for me. :)
Anyway, I'll be easing back into blogdom. I had to fill an order of Whimsy Wipes as soon as I got back in town. I'm not even sure I ever announced that good news. A local baby boutique (Hey, Baby!) is selling my covered wipes containers now! (see storefront below)
And check out this new fabric I've found.
So back to easing back in... I'll be back around to visit you all soon. After being gone for 5 days I've turned most of my attention to my kids... they've made some pretty big plans for us this week. We've already made a music video, gone book shopping and had lunch with Daddy. Tomorrow is movie day and Friday is spin art day!
Hope you're all enjoying the beginnings of Spring. It really lifts your mood, doesn't it?
Technorati tags: Whimsy Wipes, baby, orchestra
How exciting for your business ventures Lei!! I am sooo proud of you!! Such cute fabric too. :)
You are so creative! I'm very jealous :).
you are back!! YAY
Go you! I do love that fabric... a lot... :) Exciting about you getting back with your music also-- maybe it will help rejuvenate as well?! It would me!
Spring.. I found tulips popping up, and we're so, so excited! We're so over snow.
Glad the concert went well and was fun for you. :)
And I LOVE that fabric. I would have used that wipe container even with my girls. Very cute.
I am so glad your performance went well! And I am just as thrilled that your business venture is taking off. What wonderful news.
Now enjoy your kids this week and ease back into blogging when you get the chance :) !!
I love that fabric!
I'm so glad spring is in the air!
I love it!
Welcome back! I've missed you.
That is very cute fabric---and so exciting about the local boutique carrying your product. Way to go!
congrats on your orders! that's so exciting!
you always have you hands in fun pots love the fabric! glad to hear those musical talents got time to breathe
Love the fabric.
And a while ago, you posted a comment on my blog.... when I was spilling my guts....
I never said thank you.
So.... thank you.
It was a gift.....
Hi there,
I'm here by way of mind-muffins. I love your wipe covers. How cute are they! I'm guessing they have a plastic case inside?
Lei, I wish I had seen you did covered wipe containers. I just did a spotlight on Mile High Mamas for Made by Angie's wipes. I would have loved to feature someone I "know"!
You are so amazing. I'm glad the performance went well.
Great job on your orders--that's fabulous. (I love the fabric)
Hope you had a great spring break.
(I know Spring will eventually be here for us ; )
This reminds me that our spring break is next week. We better start planning so it doesn't go to waist.
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