06 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and so I've got a couple goodies for you.  First is a FREE image download:

There is both color and black and white available to you for FREE here!  Love, me.

Also check out the fun mailboxes my kids get to use for the next week... trying to foster more love, less fighting round these parts.  Sigh.  Good thing is, they love leaving each other notes!

25 January 2012

Spotlight's on me - at Time Out For Women

I am honored to be the featured blogger at Time Out For Women this week!  It's amazing to me that I still have something readworthy to say, after all these years of scattered, unorganized blogging.  Please go say hi to me over there!!!  It would make me so happy if you did.  Click HERE to read my post.
{Major thanks to Time Out For Women for the fun opportunity}