13 January 2011

out of the office...

Hello friends!  We had another major flood this week (some of you may remember a similar occurance a year ago last summer). So no blogging for a bit I'm afraid.  I don't even know where my hot glue gun is right now! *cries*  Hopefully I'll be posting again soon.  Pray for us!!!


chris said...

Good luck! I hope that everything works out. Hugs to you and your family.

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

I am so sorry! I am praying that everything turns out ok.


Michelle Gautreaux said...

praying that all is well ...

Company EIGHT said...

SO sorry, Miss Lei! GOOD LUCK!!!

Alyssa said...

Oh no! Best wishes as you get a handle on things again. Hope there's not too much damage and trouble.