15 May 2007


I've been tagged by Lee to do the 7 random "things about me" meme. This is great timing, because I have been forever working on that "50 things you probably don't know about me" meme. You know, the one that practically initiates you into blogdom. It's been over a year and it's just not happening. But 7 things? THAT much I have figured out.

And here they are:

1)I do my make-up and hair and anything else while standing still in fifth position. Except for dishes.
2)Because I loathe doing the dishes. That job was assigned to my husband right after "I do". Which gives him the right to make fun of me for doing everything in fifth position.
3)I danced for 18 years. Ballet, modern and tap. Some jazz. Some hula.
4)But I'm not Hawaiian. My mother, however, was born in Hawaii, which is how I got my name. And how I learned to hula.
5)I am 1/4 Italian. My spaghetti sauce proves it.
6)I cannot whistle. Which makes me feel inferior to most other musicians. Who really wants to hear me try to sing that line from the Brahms Violin Concerto? Not my music lit class, that's for sure.
7)I've never considered myself a writer. In fact, I was once told by a college professor that I had "serious writing problems". And I believed him. Until I began blogging.
*sending mean ex-professor blog link now*

I tag:
Morning Glory

Blackeyed Sue


  1. I'm not a dancer so I don't know what fifth position is. Is that one-legged?? Or toes facing opposite directions?

    I'm working on the meme, so it'll be up later. I LOVE that picture of you. I hope your husband knows what a beauty he's married to.

  2. GORGEOUS photo! Wow!

    I have always wanted to be able to dance better. Tap is something I still want to learn. Maybe once the kids are a little older. Want a student :) ?!? And I want to learn to sing better, play the piano better and maybe even learn to play the violin.

  3. fifth position is heels to toes... both legs turned out and touching, one in front of the other.


  4. and thank you both for the compliment - that picture was taken about 15 pounds ago! lol! but it is the most recent one i had for the meme...

  5. I can't still do fifth position very well, it practically kills me... so I was actually very impressed!

  6. I stand in first position ALL the time!!

    That is a beautiful picture.

  7. I love fifth position- I too, though I feel very clumsy these days, took ballet for most of my life-

    I love MeMe's, thank you for doing this one, it helped me get to know you better-

  8. Oh, and I agree, Dumb, dumb teacher-

  9. Oh good-- you explained it, LOL! I had no idea. I can't do ballet... or gymnastics. I wanted too- and tried, then I was told I was too tall/big, and my mom pulled me.. *sigh* It's on my to do before I get old and more wrinkly. :) I'll do mine tomorrow!

  10. I loved reading this. It seems like you stood in 5th position alot when we lived together too . . .

    I love this picture of you! I saved it to my computer. Lei, your skin is so beautiful!! I have a terrible complexion! Cute bangs too!

  11. Hi!! Awesome to match a FACE to your blog...lovely to see you!! Very interesting list...fun to get to know you more! Have a great day!

  12. :) Glad to know 7 things about you!

  13. I cannot whistle either. In band we were playing a Suza March that calls for whistling. I just pretended to blow. :)

  14. AWESOME photo of you! The 5th position stance just makes me think of how graceful you must be with all your talent tucked away as you do little things around the house!

  15. I wish I could sample your spaghetti sauce, I'm a sucker for a good marinara.

    And can I say that your picture is lovely? You're so pretty! And I'm not just sucking up either!

  16. I graduated from Mililani High School on the island of Oahu, and wanted so badly to add a Hawaiian name to each of my kids. My husband, however, scratched that idea entirely because he could never pronounce any of them. Lol.

    I just want to say that I really enjoy reading your posts. It actually brings my hormones to the surface, as I get tearry-eyed reading some of them. (I can relate!)


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