16 May 2007

32 years and going strong...

Really, today is going to be like any other day, except with french pastries and extra hugs and kisses. And some rousing renditions of "Happy Birthday to You". I still have to go about my daily duties of laundry and vacuuming and singing "The Itsy Bitsy Sider". Although I may throw in a backyard picnic with the babes to add a little fun and spontaneity to this year's May 17th.

I am happy. I feel good and healthy and very secure at this point in my life. If you ask me, 32 could be the new 27. :)

Our next installment of "Woman to Woman" will take place on May 22. That's next Tuesday. We are replacing the scheduled topic with an idea inspired by Rebecca Woolf at Straight from the Bottle and calling it "Celebrating me!". We (women) tend to focus so much on our weaknesses and often blow them out of proportion. But our strengths, the things we are good at, go unnoticed, especially by ourselves. I know there are times when I have feared that my confidence may come across as arrogance. It's taboo to assert your successes as a parent! And even in general, I think women are very careful about how much credit or attention they give to themselves.

But we all certainly deserve praise and recognition. And so, right on the heels of Mother's Day, this "Woman to Woman" will be an opportunity for us all to admit that we are amazing, and to share our strengths with one another. Morning Glory and I hope that this particular topic will draw lots of participants, because as we can plainly see, there are many, many incredible and inspirational women out there that need to be celebrated!

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  1. Happy, happy, happy birthday, Friend!! I hope you have a fabulous day!

  2. Happy Birthday dear Lei!
    Happy Birthday to you!!

    I hope you have a relaxing day and a year full of wonder!

  3. Feliz Cumpleanos! May your day be filled with many happy moments!

  4. I hope you had a nice day! Eat some cake for me!

  5. Mmmm. French Pastries. Happy Birthday!

  6. happy belated birthday!!!!! :)

    I hope it was wonderful!!! :)

    also, my tag is up, LOL!

  7. Wow happy birthday! I enjoyed reading all your blogs. Thanks for checking out mine. As you can see I am a newbie. Check out Dans (link from mine) if you want to laugh and laugh. Start at the beginning.

  8. Happy Birthday! I'm 32 this year, as well, and I'm glad to hear it's the new 27. I felt so alive then:)

    I love your idea for the Woman to Woman. I think you are absolutely right that it is taboo to focus at all on what we are good at as women. We are much more comfortable sharing our weaknesses. I think it'll be a tough one for most.

    Hope you got that rousing rendition!

  9. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!

    Great topic for the next Woman to Woman!

  10. You've had a birthday, shout hurray!
    We're going to sing to you today.
    One year older and wiser too!
    Happy Birthday, To Lei!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. hmmm my info didn't come up.
    Lemme try that again!
    HAPPY HAPPY bday!
    Hope your day is great!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday!

    Mine is coming up in less than two weeks. Let's just say I wish it was only my 32nd.

  14. I'm late, as usual, but I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, too!

  15. A belated Happy Birthday, Lei! :D
    (I was scrolling down to your other posts and saw your picture- so pretty!) :)

    But at 32, you just a baby! That seems so far back for me- it was the year I got married!

    Hope your day was a good one!

  16. Happy belated birthday. Seems that 1975 was a great year. I turned 32 way back in Feb. Hope you had a GREAT day and got to do at least one something just for you.

  17. happy (late) birthday! hope it was wonderful.

  18. Happy, happy birthday, Leilani dear, happy days will come to you all year . . . :)

  19. Happy Birthday to you..I hope that you had a lovely day..


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