10 May 2007

Mother, madre, makuahine, mama

If I had to describe motherhood in one word it would be humbling. Lying naked on a table and pushing a baby out in front of complete strangers. Gaining 65 lbs. and 650 stretch marks. Missing your shower or wearing your grubbies in public or foregoing make-up and hair. Because sometimes your kids need you more. Being repeated by one of your children (when you were certain they were out of earshot). Having to ask for help or admit that you are overwhelmed. Forgetting something important. Realizing it's not about you. Giving something up. Learning from your children. Having their best interest at heart. Fighting for them. Accepting the bitter and less frequently sweet days.

So, here's to mothers... humble, modest, selfless, real, virtuous, forbearing, patient mothers that sacrifice a bit of themselves every day. Happy Mother's Day.


  1. Oh, very nice. And Happy Mother's Day to you as well.

  2. Simply beautiful! I feel like I have learned A LOT about humility and sacrifice these last few years, and I still have a long way to go.

    Happy Mother's Day to you, too ... and to every woman out there who is a mother or who desires to be one! This day is for you!

  3. Very beautiful, Leilani. I will be sure to have Sarah read this. Happy Mother's Day

  4. Very nice.

    Happy Mother's Day to you too.

  5. That was lovely and well said but it brings up things that I think about every Mother's Day: my mistakes and shortcomings. When there is so much said to eulogize motherhood I tend to start comparing myself and of course I come up short (is this typical of other mother's out there? I've wondered).

    The only way I enjoy Mother's Day is by thinking of my own mother, who truly was amazing. I hope to be like her some day.

  6. Lovely, Lei...a very Happy Mother's Day to you too!! God bless! :)

  7. Oh that picture looks like Klimt. is it? I love him. For some strange reason I always am struck by his work.
    Happy Mother's day~!

  8. Thank you! That was lovely! Happy Mother's Day to you too.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. Beautiful post!!

    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  10. Very well said ... Happy Mother's Day to you, Lei

  11. So well put. I love it! I LOVE Klimpt too!! One of my favorite artists!

    Happy Mother's Day Lei!

  12. I'd be very hard pressed to describe motherhood any more perfectly than you have here, Lei. I'm way late (been a little distracted over at A Chelsea Morning lately) but a belated Happy Mother's Day to you.


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