30 April 2009

It's premiere night!!!

This is one of the easiest and cheapest birthday parties I have ever done. Adriana's 10th birthday fell right around the time of Miley Cyrus's new Hannah Montana movie release, so we had a movie-themed party. How I saved money (and sanity): I limited the number of invites, we saw an early showing, and the only part of the party held at my house was the drop off and pick up. So there was very little "entertaining" involved.

The girls each took a goody bag to the movie so that I didn't spend an arm and a leg at the theater.

The after party was contained to our dining room, where brownies (Adriana doesn't like cake), ice cream and soda pop were served. The decorations consisted of "hollywood" colors like black, silver and gold. There were balloons on the floors, movie reels on the table cloth and banner, and a director's cut board as a center piece:

The party favors were boxes of pink kettle corn (that I made using a Whirly-pop) with a rubber Hannah M. bracelet attached:

And here's my birthday girl, all growed up and never again to see a single-digit age! :)



  1. How fun! Love the decorations!! I'm just grateful that Hannah Montana won't be around when Addi's a "big girl!"

  2. Happy Birthday!! Fun party idea :)

  3. I think I'll probably miss the Hannah Montana craze--Grace was too old to be into it and Lily's too young. By the time she'll be old enough the fad will have passed. But cute ideas!

  4. way to go! can't believe Adrianna is 10!

  5. Such cute decor and awesome party idea! How fun!

  6. What a great idea. Happy Birthday to Adriana

  7. Great idea! My oldest just turned 10 as well and we have always decided to give the kids BIG parties on their Kindergarten year, 10th and 15th year otherwise just a friend or two and family the other years.

    This year we are taking 5 girls to our family cabin for 3 days. Can I say "insanity"? I've got lots of water games and craft projects set aside for those days. I'm waiting to blog about it until after the party to get some awesome photos.


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