08 October 2008

Fun with pumpkins

I used to come up with something fun and different to do with my basic orange pumpkins every year. It burned me out and so for the last few years I've just had fun picking out the most unusual ones I could find at local markets - blue hubbard, ghost white, and fairy tale varieties - love the varieties of gourds as well!

This year I got my second wind. The kids and I dressed up our porch yesterday with decor reminiscent of old haunted houses... and these painted ghost pumpkins are the perfect addition! First I drew a design with marker and then I went over it with black paint. One of them has our last name initial, one of them is polka-dotted, one's got a fun swirly top and the other has sort of a medallion in the center. So fun!



  1. very cute---i am getting ready to get out my halloween goodies, too!

  2. yay. you found me, and now i've found you! your pumpkins are fabulous. i am totally copying you!

  3. So cute! I love how you painted them.. we have a couple orange pumpkins. I may, however, borrow the idea for painting! Thanks :)

  4. I've always loved the white pumpkins. It's fun with preschoolers to have them predict what the inside is like.

    I especially like your polka dot initial. Very fun idea!

  5. Those are very classy and unique. I may copy. And since I live nowhere near you, we can both be unique, eh?

  6. Those are great! But the ultimate fun? Grow a 755-pound one. :-)

  7. Beautiful work! So so nice! I am jealous of your creativity!

  8. Pretty nice looking pumpkins

  9. So artistic! So bootiful! Your house is lovely. You look gorgeous. I'm running out of adj's.

  10. I love the pumpkins. I am totally stealing the polka dot idea. Thanks!!

  11. How fun! I love this idea and I love what you did. It was so fun chatting last night making our bags.

  12. Love your pumpkins! We each have one, and we paint them too!! though, we each paint our own- so matchy isn't so much, LOL!!

  13. This was our first year getting white pumpkins. I love them! Of course, yours are even better!

  14. I love those pumpkins And the nice thing is, you probably will still have a fresh enough pumpkin to use it for food afterward.


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