08 May 2008

If only I could relax

Without "unbuttoning my pants". And I don't mean that metaphorically. I know this blog has become sort of a "chronicles of apartment living". I'm sorry for that, I assure you it is only temporary. Anyway - clarification on the pants (so you don't think I'm also becoming one of THOSE blogs, and by that I mean risque, and I'm just assuming they are out there). I really wish that I could kick back... now that the house is packed up and sold and everything is neatly boxed and waiting for it's new home. But I am anxious, people. And my kids have cabin fever. And, AND, I have developped a habit of ending my day with a pint of Ben and Jerry's. (Finally, the point) Imagine Whirled Peace, Peach Cobbler, Mint Chocolate Cookie... be still my beating heart (and bulging zipper)!


  1. packing, moving, etc... is HARD work, you deserve a pint of ice cream every night.

  2. Apartment living, kids, cabin fever ... I hear you LOUD AND CLEAR! We have been here for 10 years now, but I am hoping within one year we will be done.

    I, too, like ice cream to relax at the end of a chaotic and cramped day!

  3. Sigh. Ben and Jerry's...quite the temptation for the struggling dieter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What? Are you saying there is something wrong with that? =)

    I know that cabin fever feeling all too well, and I hope it doesn't last long for all of you.

  5. I'm right there with you...it's HARD being cooped up in an apartment!

  6. It will all be behind you soon (I could make reference to the "behind", but won't ; )

    I'm with chel-you deserve every pint!!!!

  7. If you wear sweat pants, you won't have to unbutton :) Hang in there!


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