09 May 2008

Happy Mother's Day!



I had so much fun taking these pictures yesterday. And I thought it would be fitting for Mother's Day to share a mass of pictures of women and children that depict what Mother's Day is all about - tenderness and kindness and gratitude for the blessings motherhood or sisterhood or even just womanhood has brought us. This is not a photo contest, so share any old photo you'd like! And if you want to link here so that others can visit you, feel free to do so. I've got a Mr. Linky set up at the bottom of this post.

Oh, and stop by Chel's for a very fun, very cute give-away when you get a chance!

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  1. beautiful pictures, Lei! You're getting so good at the photography thing. What don't you do well? You're amazing!

  2. What a good idea Lei! Thanks.

  3. The pictures are absolutely beautiful.

  4. Wow-those are cool pictures!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Love the pics Lei---they are beautiful!

  6. Hi Leilani! I need to send you an invitation to Heather's baby shower, but I heard you are in the process of moving. What address should I send it to? You can reply to my e-mail at christx@suddenlink.net. Thank you! --Christie (P.S. I hope you had a great Mother's Day!)

  7. Those pictures are wonderful!


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