18 February 2008

On swearing

Having been raised in the South, "damn it" was never considered a curse word. So I say it pretty casually and pretty often. You're shocked, I know. Well, I have to stop it. Because my 2 youngest children are now repeating it (so much for just knowing deep down that it is WRONG to say it). I was able to sneak it by the 2 oldest, so I'm a little miffed that my one vice (not including diet coke) has to come to an end.

The other day while playing video games with his father, my son fell behind in a race and said "Damn!" My husband and I looked at each other, appalled of course. Seeing our expressions our son corrected himself and said, "Oops, I MEANT to say damn IT. Sorry." Wow. We've taught him well.

And then there is Sasha. Sweet little thing. I just bought her this darling little book from Costco called "Mommy's Tote". It's got all sorts of flaps and puzzle pieces and things to tuck into pockets. Well, of course, one of the damn pieces ripped. And then another. And another (oh why do I buy these things?). So I said it. Out loud. And she picked up on it, immediately. Off she ran, squealing and grinning wildly and yelling "damn it" (3 times in a row, as per my habit)!

I've heard that there comes a time in every parent's life when their children magnify (and manifest) their weaknesses. I guess I'm glad that I lasted as long as I did. 2 outta 4 ain't bad. But damn, I'm ticked.


  1. LOL!! And that almost same experience happened to Tim and I at the same age!

  2. This is so funny because my Mom and I were talking the other day about the times she caught us kids swearing. When Josh was little my Mom caught he and the neighbor boy taking turns pounding a nail with a wooden hammer an shouting "Damn it!" everytime they struck it. She said it was difficult to stop herself from laughing before she went in to tell them they needed to stop.

  3. I grew up in the south too but we never swore I think because my parents never did. My husband, however, grew up ranching and words like "damn" or "hell" were part of every day lingo. He has calmed down quite a bit since our children came along. It's just a shocker when a three year old messes up and yells "Damnation!" for all to hear. Cute, but shocking.

  4. I can almost not stop laughing to type this. Gotta love the "Oops, I meant to say damn it!"

  5. Hilarious!! I couldn't stop laughing. So sorry you have to get rid of that damn habit.

  6. I seriously laughed out loud at that one! I too have had my moments of reflection--there's nothing like a child to let you know (innocently) what your vices are. Let's just say I've had to really watch what I say while driving, lol!

  7. I think they must have really picked it up from Grandma at Lake Tahoe :)

  8. I love this damn post! You are awesome to admit this to the blog world. I said this easy phrase twice this morning and haven't done it in quite some time... so I was feeling the guilt. Thanks for making my heart light today.

  9. Back when my oldest daughter was about 2 or 3, I used to say "oh crap" all the time -- until I heard her little voice pipe up with a very emphatic "oh cwap!" I had to change my vocabulary.

  10. LOL!! You really made my day with that one.
    We have no better mirror than our kids. Sometimes I catch them doing something and think, "Where on earth did they learn that? Oh wait. From me!"

  11. This makes so much sense to me-I just realized that this friend of mine, who is from the South, uses the "D*mn it!" all the time. She's the type I never could picture swearing at all who lets fly with this one frequently, and it always shocks me. It never occurred to me that maybe it was a regional thing.

    I do a good job never swearing. However, I do use euphemisms that I'm trying to get out of the habit. "Freaking Heck!" being one of them.

  12. Ok so ya'll are laughing at me and I am laughing at your responses!

    Rofl! Kerstin-that's hilarious!

    Cocoa-oh damnation is the sophisticated version. Lol!

    Matt/Em - are you sure you're not thinking of Mom's other favorite word? Lol.

    Jen-I love how you were careful to spell it with an @.

    Thanks for keeping it clean everyone. Heaven forbid anyone should google damn and Mormon and get here to my blog. LOL!

  13. This is hilarious! I say it too, although I'm a yankee so I don't have the same excuse. Our three year old said it the other day and I was all "Ah, Damn it--now I have to stop saying Damn!"

    Fine, but I'm not giving up Diet Coke. :)

  14. Damn it. I can't stop laughing. (wink)

  15. LOL! My children are picking up the same thing. Sad huh?

  16. What a fabulous way to get a good afternoon laugh when all I want to do is nap :) !!

    And forget the Diet Coke, I am all over the real Coke :) !!

  17. You know, hearing someone swear in a southern accent still sounds soft and gentile! O Brother Where Art There? and all the swearing they did? Somehow didn't sound like cursing but like color :)

    And when I was a Mia Maid our Bishop's wife had a baby and we made a meal to take to them. He opened the door and said in surprise, 'Well for hell's sakes!" then had that "Oh my gosh, did I say that outloud?" look on his face. I still chuckle at it.

  18. My grandpa is a small town man who uses the usual farmboy swear words with glee. He has a hat that he loves to wear that says... well I can't even make myself type it. My mom raised us to NEVER swear and I only heard her swear a couple times as a child when she was raging mad. Then we moved closer to my grandpa and now she has slipped into the kind of swearing she learned as a kid. It still makes me wince but I understand it now. I just tell my kids, "If you talk like grandpa you will look like him." He only has one arm, can't walk, and has a very wrinkly face, so they have chosen NOT to look like him =)

  19. My best "swear" word is pissed or screwed. We have a cuss jar, and a list above it- and I get to pay in a lot. :)

  20. ROFL - that's a riot. Good stuff, i see my kids picking up our bad habits everyday!

    [shaking my head]
    what to do?

  21. My FIL said damn in front of my son, who repeats it as "damp." It's almost funny, but at the same time, I'd rather he not say it.

    I just saw that Mommy's Tote bag in a magazine today! Very cute!

  22. Here's a confession. I actually swear ALL the time in my head. But I hardly ever say it. I don't know what's worse. Because I certainly am guilty of the thoughts.

    My dad said Damn It, when he was mad. I don't consider it that bad. It's kind of fun to say. Damnit.


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