19 February 2008

I choose to be a mom

*This post was adapted for entry into Scribbit's Write-away contest. Original is here.

Everyday, I choose to be a mom... I choose to devote my time. I choose to set me aside. I choose to bite my tongue when I am angry. I choose to give us all a time out when I feel like I am losing it. I choose to play hide and seek. I choose to sing the same 3 songs every night at bedtime. I choose to push through my fatigue and smile and give hugs. I choose to listen to my children's little concerns.

I choose to give them hope. I choose to teach them acceptance. I choose to let them explore. I choose to let them learn.

I choose to protect them. I choose to worry about them. I choose to check on them in the wee hours of the night. I choose to get teary when they accomplish their firsts. I choose to submit to them. I choose to take charge. I choose to relish the things in their little world.

I choose to empower them.

I choose to be an example. I choose to say I'm sorry. I choose to teach them responsibility. I choose to challenge them.

I choose to care for myself. I choose to share my passions with them. I choose to let them be part of my life. I choose to be part of theirs. I choose to receive heavenly guidance. I choose to show them my weaknesses. I choose to give myself a break. I choose to give my husband experience. I choose to give them independence. I choose to give them dependence.

I choose not to give up, I choose to love them.


  1. well said! and good choice, thanks for sharing.

  2. What a lovely way to say it! :)

  3. Beautiful post. I'm inspired by you - again, and thank you for it.

  4. I love your emphasis on personal choice--it's a good reminder to me.

  5. I still love this post! It is very wise and insightful.

  6. Such a beautiful post. It is a choice we make each and every day. Thanks.

  7. This is lovely.

    My husband asked the other day if I could do anything in the world, or if I wasn't a mom, what I would do or be. Hmmmmm....nothing quite as important or fun or empowering or challenging came to mind. It was a kind of epiphany - that being a mom is my first choice. You put it so great in this post that I think I'm going to print it and hang it up in the place of honor at my house (the front of the fridge:))

  8. Wow. Thanks for the gentle reminder on the privileges of parenting.

  9. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. :)

  10. Great post! I'm so glad for the choices I get to make as mom!

  11. I love it - as usual! When are you coming back to the MOFia? I miss you!

  12. Loved this. I do love how you remind that it's all about choice.

  13. I needed to hear this. Thank you!

  14. I needed this tonight. Thank you! And I miss you!!!

  15. Man I need to read this every morn, thanks for a great post!


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