12 July 2007

It must be July

We are mid summer and the heat and hum drum is finally getting to us. To fight summer boredom, here are a few suggestions.
1) Have a planned activity every day. It does not need to be a load-up-the-car-and-go-spend-a-small-fortune kind of activity. In our house, for instance, we have the same schedule every week:
- On Mondays we cook/bake something. This week it was sugar cookies with M&Ms in them.
-On Tuesdays, we do something outdoors. Last week, for example, I took the kids to the garden center and let them pick out some flowers to plant. They helped me weed, dig the holes, and clean up, and they had a blast.
-On Wednesdays, we have a learning day. Every week is different - one week my little boys were dying to look up information on trains on the internet, another week my daughter reviewed her times table.
-Thursdays are library day. Since our trips are rather short (the kids always seem to know ahead of time what books/subjects they want to check out) I get take out for lunch on the way home. After we eat, we sit down with our pile of books. I always check out 3 or 4 of my own children's books from the library that I am dying to read to the kids. This week those titles included: HUG (a picture book for Sasha) by Jez Alborough, Is There Really a Human Race? by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell, and Ruby Sings the Blues by Niki Daly.
-Fridays are the day we set aside for our creative outlets... play dough, painting, and arts and crafts. At the beginning of the summer, my kids and I made a "Mommy and Me Mix" which you are listening to. They designed a cover for the CD at this site.

I see a real benefit to having something for my kids to look forward to and count on EVERY DAY. One of the perks is that they are more likely to leave me alone to accomplish what I need to do. That may be laundry, or that may be blogging. ;)

2) Help transitions go smoothly by creating a schedule board for your kids. I have two - the top is for my daughter, who can read (although I keep notes on it for myself from time to time - such as dinner ideas). The bottom is for my boys, and was made using boardmaker.

To further help the boys understand the order of things, I have the board low enough for them to reach, and they take each item of the list as it is completed, and put it away in a box. If you are out and about and could use this sort of thing as you go from one place to the next, the pictures can be kept on a key ring.

3) Let your children help out. Usually they want to (and usually when you DON'T want them to, lol). Figure out a way for them to feel useful. Even consider rewarding them (my kids love quarters!) My 2 year old loves to put wet clothes in the dryer. My 5 year old loves to take them out. If I turn on some good tunes, they will ALL help me dust.

Hopefully these ideas will help you all get over the hump that is July. It seems that just as you get settled into a routine, those three pesky little words - "I'm bored, Mom!" - creep up on you.


I've been nominated by Kasie Sallee at The Art of Life for the Rockin' Girl Blogger award. I've been secretly anticipating this award. Lol. Some just strike your fancy, ya know? ;)

I have just recently "met" Kasie, and I cannot remember how exactly. Via my craft lovin' blogs somehow. I think. Anyway, if you are not familiar with her site, you should stop by. Kasie is an amazing pencil artist. She does exquisite work!

I'd like to forward the Rockin' Girl Blogger award on to Kristi at A Beautiful Mess (who actually got on the phone with me in my beginning blogging days to help me customize my look... tell me that doesn't rock!), my dear MOF Emlouisa (who needs to post again already! she's a hoot), Morning Glory, my Woman to Woman co-host and someone I deeply admire, and the amazingly creative Zoe from Fresh Preserves, with whom I've gone on many an adventure. I know I am supposed to nominate 5. At least I think that's right. But I'm almost certain my 5th person has already received this award. She rocks that much. Amber, the Crazy Bloggin' Canuck is never a dull read!


  1. oh thank you so much Leilani!! I am honored that I "rock" to you! I don't think that I have ever been nominated for something before! Thank you! I am so grateful for our friendship! I am still looking forward to a little getaway together . . . we must make it happen!!

  2. I like how organized you are. We just got back from our summer vacation so we are just starting to get back into a "normal" routine. We are definitely going to be going "out" at least once a day to burn off some energy.

    Congrats on your Rockin' award!

  3. What a nice surprise this morning! Thank you, especially since my blogging attitude has been blah.

    I'm quite certain you would have figured out your template issues WITHOUT my help. You rock way more than I ever could!

    AND, you are way too organized! But of course I'm way too jealous.

  4. I love your activity board idea!! It looks great and very easy to make.

  5. I love your ideas Lei! I've been needing to do something like that.

  6. Man....you are wayyyy too organized. Those are fantastic ideas. I admire you.

  7. Thank you for this. It's pretty cool when someone who is 30-something thinks that someone who is 50-something is an all right person. I'm flattered.

  8. I just barely checked my blog, lol, and noticed you commented on my wedding leis. :) And....then realized the connection between hawaii and your name! Beautiful.

    yes- we had a hawaiian themed wedding, because I lived in Mililani (Oahu) for 6 years and I grad MHS in '94 before moving to the "mainland". Some tongan friends of ours who were our good friends in Hawaii and who moved to the mainland before us danced the hula at my reception, and wanted to teach me the wedding hula, but I refused! I kick myself all the time for that now. They live here in the same town as us and it's always such a sweet reminder of hawaii whenever I see them. I miss it so much. The culture. The diversity. *sigh*

    ANYWAY. Lol! It's cool to have another hawaiian connection! :)

  9. Wow. Love the idea of something fun everyday...the things you are doing are great. Love the calendar boards too. I am not organized, and that is my downfall, but I think I might manage those boards. :)

    Congrats on your rockin' award!

  10. Great ideas! I like how you've included everyone my customizing the boards for your older and younger ones.

  11. What that is awesome! I think with a barely two year old and an infant, it will be PERFECT for next summer. I love all your ideas... so fab! You are a wonderful Mother!

  12. I love the everyday theme you have. My kids are older and have some different camps going on, but I would love to do something like this. Thanks for sharing, the ideas are coming...

  13. Great ideas! You must have central air to be baking in July....

  14. such good ideas. i'm working up to being that organized.

  15. Can I just pretend that I'm like you? to have the great ideas is one thing, but to do them? C'mon! You're killing me! But, I will strive to do better because....it is definitely July around here.

    You really do rock. You are a complete package!

  16. You how organized you are--it seems to me that this summer is whizzing by and we've been so busy. We try to get to the library every week as well, and a few other things squashed in there as well.

  17. you are such a great mom. i love the activity board idea! i have been wanting to create some sort of responsibility / chore chart for my kids. did you purchase the images through the website you listed?

    i am learning the importance of planned daily activities to keep the little ones happy and learning!!

  18. I immediately wanted to purchase that boardmaker.... yikes! A little pricey. I'll have to drum up something like it for my 5 and 2 year olds. I REALLY like the idea!


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