05 April 2007

Um boom ba bay, Um Um boom ba bay bay

"Pressure! Pushing down on me, pressing down on you..." Sing with me now! I am up to my neck in the details of my daughter's birthday, baptism and Easter, and have had nightly rehearsals for a performance coming up this weekend. I know I have not visited your blogs in a while. I promise I will return after the chaos has settled around here. I appreciate that you all still drop in and read!

I want to share a great idea for a homemade toy/activity. All you need is a long piece of string, a balloon, a disposable plate, a paint stirrer and packing tape. Suspend the balloon from your ceiling to about eye level (of your toddler). Fashion a bat out of the plate and paint stirrer by taping them together. Like so:
The purpose of the game is to work those large motor muscles, as well as hand eye coordination, as you bat at the ballon. And it is fun! Not that I play with it after the kids are in bed or anything...

Our next Woman to Woman topic (4/10) is parenting or grandparenting children that have difficult personalities... be they temperamental children or children with issues like ADD, sensory dysfunction, or developmental delays. Share your hardships, share your successes. You mothers can vent away, and you grandmothers can encourage us to hang in there, and share your past parenting/grandparenting challenges and strategies. Considering I just spent 30 minutes in WalMart with a screaming (and that is putting it lightly) toddler and a million turned heads, I will have plenty to say!

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  1. I think April is going to do a lot of us in. It is TOO BUSY!!

    Thanks for the balloon batting idea ... maybe it will help relieve some of my stress, too :)!!

  2. Clever balloon idea. I can just imagine you secretly sneaking out of bed to go have your own batting practice.

  3. What a fun idea! And so simple. Good luck with all the happenings.

  4. My kids would totally love that. Although, I could see my 7 year old animal son trying to pop the balloon at all costs!

  5. If only I were tall enough or not afraid of heights to put the thing on the ceiling. :)

  6. I love this idea! I need to get some balloons!

  7. Looks like a fun game. DH and I would both enjoy it too!

    I'm looking forward to next weeks' Woman to Woman!

  8. I hope that we get to a point where we can play games like that with Ethan. I love being able to incorperate needed therapy in game play.

    Great idea-


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