02 April 2007

There is no place I'd rather be...

than here in the throes of motherhood. There are difficult times when I either think I am not cut out for it, or I want to walk out on it. But, for the most part, I love it. And here are my top 10 reasons why:

10) It's the perfect excuse to buy something from the ice cream truck. Would I do this if I did not have kids? Probably not. Maybe in disguise.

9) Being a mom allows me to chew more bubblegum.

8) Children's books have some of the best art in them. And I love art.

7) Christmas. Enough said.

6) I enjoy throwing my kids' birthday parties so much, that I start planning 6 months in advance. I get a thrill out of every little detail. Speaking of which, Adriana's 8th bday is coming up and I have a real winner in the works. :)

5) I can have all day fun whenever I want. Shall we go the park this morning? Maybe I'll bake cookies for dinner. Perhaps we should get out the cinnamon bears and watch movies. Everyone grab a pile of books and get in Mommy's bed! Let's turn on some tunes and dance like crazy people.

4) Recitals. Plays. Is there anything more funny rewarding than seeing your child "perform" for the first time? Adriana took dance lessons for a year. At her first recital she stood in the middle of the stage, ballerinas fluttering all around her, peering into the bright lights and lifting her dress over her head. I've never laughed so hard in my life. Or been more proud. You GO, my free little spirit.

3) Class parties. I have taken my violin to every Christmas class party my kids have ever had. And they are, hands down, the best audience. I play carol after carol, which are plenty easy, and yet those kids make me feel like the next best thing.

2) I'm not sure my camera would get used much if I weren't a mother. (I forgot to take it on my honeymoon, for pete's sake!) Babies and children make the most beautiful subjects.

1) I have learned more than I ever dreamed possible from my children. They are the reason I get up in the morning. They put the most smiles on my face. They make me want to be better, all the time. They influence every choice I make; everything I do.


  1. I have to say I'd not thought of some of these, you must be the funnest mom on the block.

  2. I chew bubblegum with the kids, too!

    Care to share some fun birthday party ideas? Last year I threw my daughter a "Treasure Hunt" birthday party, but this year it is still TBD.

    What a fun and inspiring post!

  3. I'll bet those are the top ten reasons why your children are glad YOU are their mommy!

  4. I whole-heartedly agree with your list! It's a great excuse to be a kid again on so many levels. For me, I'm grateful to have kids because when I'm pushing their stroller during my runs and I get tired, I can just lean over and pretend something is wrong with them. :-)

  5. What a lovely post! It's great to sit back and count our blessings, and these are some of the wonderful blessings of motherhood!

    Count me in on planning birthday parties! Planning a big sheebang is one of the highlights of my year!

  6. Amen! I love being a mother too. And the hard days make the good days that much sweeter.

  7. What a great post! I love being a mom too. I love your list. I suddenly have a great desire to get some cinnamon bears and watch movies or read books to my kids today.

  8. Great list! I so agree on Christmas!

  9. Lei, I love this! I need to look on the brighter side of motherhood sometimes! Especially weeks like this when Sterling is traveling! LOL!

    I read your interview! Congratulations!! You are an inspiration and a very elloquent writer.

    PS You are going to have to teach me a couple of things - like the little labels that link to your other posts. I don't know how to do that?! :P

  10. What a great list. I love being a mom too. Sometimes more than others. I hope my kids know how much joy they bring to me.

    My son is turning 6 on cinco de mayo and I need a fun party idea. Any thoughts?

  11. I needed that after the 10 days (but who's counting?) of feuding we've had going on here w/#1 out of school. Thanks!

  12. that is a wonderful list! you have lucky ducky kiddos!

  13. What a great look at Mommy-dum! I love being a mom! Your birthday parties sound awesome! I need to start think of an 8th birthday party as well!

  14. Years ago, when I was a brand new mom and didn't know what normal toddler behavior was, I bought a book entitled "Raising Your Spirited Child". The book suggests an exercise where you list everything that you consider a negative behavior and next to it, write down the positive spin. Then mentally, retrain your brain to stop labeling them as clingy, whiny or stubborn and instead as affectionate and persistent (I still can't think of a postive for whiny. Is there one?

    Your list reminded me of that. It is easy to complain about the messes, interupted sleep and loss of personal freedom but you make it sound like so much fun...I'm convinced!:)

  15. I really, really needed that. I should do this post on my blog as well. Thank you!!!

  16. My computer has not been cooperating with me...thus no responses from me. My computer seems to be in a good mood today.

    I love this post.
    How hard was it to choose only these as your ten?? From what I read about you...you have an infinite list!

  17. Wonderful list. I ditto everything! Motherhood is wonderful!

  18. I love this list! You are so right... I read the first paragraph and thought... 'here goes one of those ho hum lists about motherhood'... NOT SO... this is such an original take on why motherhood is so glorious! I loved each thing you mentioned. You are right... we ARE cut out for this!


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