26 February 2007

Two things I learned this weekend (despite the almost constant obsession over the layout on my new blog)

It's been a while since I've felt like I learned something at church. I am usually too busy getting out quiet activities or snacks, shushing little voices, teaching my oldest one to listen and fretting over being a spectacle in the process of it all. I guess it was divine intervention that allowed me to pay enough attention that two simple phrases really stood out to me yesterday.

"That which is of enough value to memorize becomes part of you."

and from Alma 37:37 -

"when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning, let thy heart be full of thanks unto God"

I love the first quote because I am one that thrives on words - be they scripture, lyrics, poetry or just plain wisdom. And they do have a way of working themselves into my mind when I most need them. But sometimes I let days go by without studying anything, without pondering any sort of words, and that often leads to a stupor in trying situations (rather than having positive thoughts or feeling guided). I love that any worthy words can be beneficial to you. Scripture study is an obvious necessity in our lives, but do we make time to study the great God given talents of writers like Shakespeare? It's just like turning on classical music in the car for my children as we head out to school... I know that it opens up the mind and calms the spirit and will have an effect on their day.

Alma 37:37 has been marked in my scriptures for years. I have it mostly memorized and I'd say it is a part of me... it comes to my mind often. But this particular part of it has never made quite the impression that it did on me yesterday. I vainly repeat "let the Lord watch over us in our sleep" every night before bed. And I rarely wake up thankful that He did. In fact, I am a bear in the morning... I'm not really thankful for anything at that time of day. That really sets a tone in our home and can be difficult to change after I'm more fully awake and ready to dig into the day. So I'm making a goal of not just praying for the Lord's protection over my family each night, but with gratitude for that blessing in my life each morning as well.


  1. Thank you for that post. I too, need to be thankful. Every day that we wake up. Healthy and able, I should be thankful.

  2. That was a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I, too, am a bear in the morning, yet my husband is quite chirpy. Like you I have noticed that my grumpiness about getting up quickly rubs off on everyone else in the house. What has worked for me is when I get up I stay in my room for about 15 minutes making the bed, saying my prayers, etc. so when I go out to greet everyone I am much more pleasant.

  4. Lei,

    What a wonderful post.
    I am trying to be more pleasant in the morning, more like my husband is. And yes, he spends at least 30 min in the morning praying before he gets of the bed!!


  5. Great post!

    I especially love the quote about memorizing, delving in and letting words becoming a part of you. Thanks!

  6. Not being a morning person myself, I understand what you're saying. I have discovered in the past few months, though, that anticipating the sunrise and possibly getting a great snapshot has changed my view of crawling out of bed in the morning. I'm still not a morning person, but it starts my day with an appreciation for the Creator of that beauty.

  7. We thank heavens for the nursery on Sunday. Beautiful scripture.

  8. What a great reminder, thanks Lei! I too, can be a grouch in the morning and it definitely sets the tone for the family.

  9. Great post, especially because I haven't felt spiritual and intellectually challenged at church for some time, either!

  10. You mentioned earlier that you cut and pasted those caps into your posts--that sounds pretty easy, is there anything I should know more about it?

  11. yup! You caught me, in fact when I heard your song play I remember thinking "That's the first time I've heard a song on a blog that I kind of liked!" She has such a distinctive voice too.

  12. Great post! Gave me a lot to think about. What wonderful lessons.

  13. I appreciate this inspired post. Thanks for reminding me of what is important. You are right, we go to bed so grateful and wake up so grumpy. I am the same. Thanks again!


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