22 February 2007

Creativity Cannot Be Stifled

... is the name of my new blog, a place to show my crafts and art, provide ideas for home decor and entertaining, birthday parties, etc. So, if you're interested in all that (and really, who isn't), come and check it out here!


  1. Great new blog! I've got you bookmarked and will check in on it every now and then.

    I'll plug my other blogs too. Have you had a chance to see the pictures in The Magic of the Sun blog? Both of my extra blogs are in my sidebar.

  2. Indeed I have! But thanks for reminding me to check back again! I love photography!

  3. My goodness, I can barely handle one blog and here you are with multiples! LOL A friend offered to design a food blog for me and I said, no thanks! Truly, I don't know how you do it but the new one is gorgeous as is this one.

    Thanks for stopping by to say hello. I appreciate the comment you left on my post Sunday. Hope you come back soon.

  4. Very fun. I've thought about having a craft blog too. We'll see.

  5. Wow look at all of your great creativeness. I love it. Between you and Les I am really itching to paint again. Love it!!!

  6. I love the layout in your blog. How do you get everything so pretty? I find blogger is very limiting.

  7. Anna - it has taken me so long to work on... and it's been little by little. It's a lot of work with the html, even in the new blogger. If you'd like a few resources to help you learn you are welcome to email me! Just let me know!


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!