06 June 2006

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man woman mother healthy, wealthy and wise

Today's Wild Card Wednesday idea came courtesy of Andrea. Some of our MOFS were discussing our spirituality today, and how much it has changed since becoming a mother. Before marriage and children it was much easier to remain spiritually focused and find the time for ourselves to do that. We look back at that time now and think "We were stronger then".

I remember that just before I met my husband, I felt like I really had it together. I was so disciplined in reading, no - make that STUDYING, my scriptures every morning, every night, complete with prayer and meditation. I felt solid. I don't have that same "spiritual confidence" now, but I can definitely say I am more spiritually mature than I was then. I think it is inevitable that as we commit ourselves to motherhood and to our beliefs that this change will continue to occur... It can happen faster and we can feel more stable through it all, however, if we are staying close to our Father in heaven via the scriptures and prayer.

If I total up all the small prayers I say in my heart throughout the day, if I think about the number of times I set an example for my children or take the opportunity to share a small spiritual tidbit with them, if I count the times a scripture has come to mind when I needed it, I am reminded that although it SEEMS as if I have slackened, I really have not. My spiritualty has just become more a blended part of my everyday existence. It is no longer just me and the Lord, but me, my children, my husband and the Lord.

That said, I do believe it is important that we make whatever sacrifice necessary to set aside time for just us and the Lord. At our recent Stake Relief Society conference they talked a lot about the old "early to bed and early to rise" adage. I haven't been the best about this lately, but I know it is the secret to getting back in gear in a lot of areas in our lives where we feel that we are falling short... spiritual connectivity as well as physical and mental acuity. Not to mention the attitude that life is worth getting a headstart on, rather than procrastinating and making everything/one wait for you to "wake up".


  1. I am glad you posted about this. It has been something that I have been pondering quite a bit as of late.

    There are so many things lately that take up that spiritual time. I don't put the work into it like I should and I feel it in so many areas of my life.

    It is so good to have a reminder. Thank you for posting about this.

  2. Yes, I needed a reminder too. It comes at a good time. Thanks!

  3. Psst... try your "What on earth is that smell?" link. By the way, thanks for the mention! :)

    If you're playing the letter game, yours is C.

  4. We can all help each other Lei. Oh and thanks for mentioning me, i feel special now :)

  5. My children know that I take time in the morning to pray and read my scriptures. However, this doesn't stop them from talking to me while I'm doing it. It is definitely a challenge to do the daily things to stay spiritually connected with the Lord, but we will be blessed for our efforts. And our children will learn from our example :-)

  6. Well said! The busyness of motherhood does make this a challenge. Add to that the responsibility of overseeing your children's spiritual development and it can be overwhelming. I think we all go through spiritual ups and downs, wether we have children or not, if we don't work at it. Thanks for the reminder to do so!

  7. Amen to that. when I haul my lazy buns out of bed and get ready for the day things go much better. In the summer it's hard to do, the sleepy morning and no schdule call to me.
    Good advice

  8. Eek, fixed it Naddin. Sorry! And - I played last week... :)

  9. I get up at 4:45 every morning and I so wish it was to study the scriptures. The way you put things is so awesome. One thing I try to do everyday is read something from the scriptures. I shoot for a whole chapter or more but if all I can muster is one line, then that is what I do. Thanks for your insight. I love it.:)

  10. Thanks so much. I have really been up and down in taking care of my spiritual needs the past many years. As result I feel less and less capable to fulfill responsibilities and even more less like I will ever be trusted to have leadership callings. There was a time I was confident and willing, now I wonder?

  11. That is a tough one for me. I love staying up late and getting up late, but there is a little voice inside of me that says I should switch that around.

  12. Great thoughts Lei. I love the inspiration that you share with me. I am always uplifted when I read your blog.

  13. great ideas- sometimes we have to re prioritize- last night i was talking about laying up treasures in heaven and what we were putting in our suitcases for eternity- sometimes we have to step back and change our patterns-

  14. Dan and I noticed that we've both slacked with our scripture reading and personal spiritual time since getting married. We build each other up and help each other with so many things. The staying up late is a bad habit that we just escalate with each other. I really appreciate this post. Very timely.

  15. Lei- Haven't heard from you in blogging land for while . . . I hope that things are okay . . . any baby news - maybe!? :) I hope that all is well.


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