04 June 2006

3 projects

The only way I could get pictures to post was by doing a separate entry for each! I've had such a problem with this lately! Grrrrrrrr.......


  1. You are not only talented, but productive! You must be like my mother, always working on something beautiful in her hands. I love the burp cloths. Mine have always been just boring white. At first, anyways. :)

  2. Nettie - I have amazed myself. I really am not one whose hands are always crafting something, but I do enjoy it. And I'm glad to have the ability to fill my time in such a positive way!

  3. my friend becky gave me a few burp cloths like these for my shower..her friend makes them...they are really cute!

  4. Very cute stuff. You should look into using W.bloggar. It is an editor that I use in blogging and it posts directly to blogger. It is very handy. I can thank David at the Whole Note for leading me to it.

  5. LOVE the burp cloths! I, too, am amazed at everything you've been doing. Not that I'm envious of the reason you have the "time" ( I know you are still busy-you are a mom, but you kwim.) but I would like to get some projects done around the house. Someday....

  6. Soooooooo cute!!! I am officially jealous that I don't get to make cute girl things!!! You did such a great job.

  7. I love looking at all your projects!

  8. So cute! and ditto w.blogger. I just got it and it seems to work pretty well! Doesnt' lose my posts!

  9. I love them all, especially the one w/the stripey trim.

  10. So creative! What a great way to spice up those boring white burp clothes. Your little girl is one lucky girl to have such a darling room and a mom who loves her so much to do that!

  11. Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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