27 May 2011


{cute alphabet border idea to make with your kids}

So I know you are all in the midst of end of school chaos just like me, right?  It's so, so crazy.  Why exactly, I do not know.  I feel like things just get crammed in!  Ugh.  Anyway, last night my baby graduated from preschool.  I can hardly believe that I won't have any kids home with me next year.  They'll all be gone.  Sigh.

I took a good look around her classroom and got a little misty-eyed.  The shaving cream art will dwindle.  The froot loop necklaces will soon be a memory.  The singing programs?  I think I will miss them the most.   My youngest is moving on up... to reading and writing and arithmetic.  School will become more serious and less "fun".  I realize I can still provide her with fun learning, no doubt about it, but I love going through her backpack and never knowing what surprise I am going to find in there.  Not to mention, what she can accomplish on her own, as she becomes more independent.  I am just in awe of how quickly they learn self-sufficency.

Last night she and her little friends had a mini processional as they took the stage for their final "number" during the graduation program... Before they walked they were each asked what they wanted to be when they grew up.  My daughter proudly said "a mommy".  I am so grateful to have left a positive impression in her mind of what it means to be a mommy.  We all have those horrifying moments where we hope and pray they will forget the mommy tantrums, the regretful words spoken in frustration, or the moments where we just don't want to be near them.  It's normal, all of it, but above it all my daughter recognizes that being a mom - her mom - makes me happy.  And that it is a worthwhile goal to become one herself.  It's a great note to end on, so to speak.... before she flies a little further from my nest.  Sniff.


  1. Sophia graduated from preschool last week. So weird. I just can't believe she's going to Kindergarten! It really is bittersweet.

  2. What a nice compliment!!!


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