It's pure coincidence that I made this t-shirt for my daughter last week (for higher education day). I don't watch basketball, but I hear that BYU was in an NCAA tournament a few days ago, and there has been a lot of buzz on facebook about some guy on their team named Jimmer, who is apparently very good. Lol. That is the extent of my knowledge! But this tutorial may be fitting for some of you who do follow that stuff and/or are good, loyal BYU alumni. ;)
So I had a lot of trouble with this t-shirt. First I tried using bleach, as I stated in my previous t-shirt post. And it bled underneath the freezer paper something awful. On both this and the big d, little d dinosaur shirt. So I had to start all over on both, and decided to try Soft Tulip Fabric Paint.
Worked much better for me!
I followed Char's tutorial at Crap I've Made. Basically, found a BYU logo on google, blew it up, traced it onto freezer paper (waxy side down!), and cut out the areas I wanted to stay blue (the color of my t-shirt) with an exacto knife.
I ironed the freezer paper logo onto my t-shirt waxy side down. It makes a seal (albeit not bleach-tight, lol) with the fabric. How cool is that?
And I inserted a t-shirt form, like this:
So I had a lot of trouble with this t-shirt. First I tried using bleach, as I stated in my previous t-shirt post. And it bled underneath the freezer paper something awful. On both this and the big d, little d dinosaur shirt. So I had to start all over on both, and decided to try Soft Tulip Fabric Paint.
Worked much better for me!
I followed Char's tutorial at Crap I've Made. Basically, found a BYU logo on google, blew it up, traced it onto freezer paper (waxy side down!), and cut out the areas I wanted to stay blue (the color of my t-shirt) with an exacto knife.
I ironed the freezer paper logo onto my t-shirt waxy side down. It makes a seal (albeit not bleach-tight, lol) with the fabric. How cool is that?
And I inserted a t-shirt form, like this:
Then I filled in the area around my Y with white Tulip Soft Fabric Paint:
I recommend dabbing the paint on first to get a good coverage going, and then brushing over the last coat to smooth it all out.
it dried fairly quickly, and nicely too. Looks like a screen-printed tee to me!
Here's the finished product... not a great photo because I found it wadded up on my daughter's floor, but I photoshopped out most of the wrinkles for you!;)
Since I've made the dinosaur t-shirt and now the BYU t-shirt, my other 2 kids are campaigning for their own t-shirts now... perhaps a Hello Kitty and Dallas Cowboys one. So there may be more tutorials to come! I want to try some other techniques with this.
awesome! ♥