12 February 2011

Winner, winner!

Sorry for the delay in announcing the giveaway winner... I just got home from my lovely 24 hour date with the hubs.  So fun - the Driskill is gorgeous - pictures to come... We also enjoyed a movie at the very posh Gold Class Cinema last night. And some yummy chocolate at the Chocolate Festival at Central Market this afternoon, and we went shoppingfor a new desk for my office... and when I came home my house had been cleaned by my babysitter(s).  Just to do something nice for me.  Am I lucky a lucky gal, or what?  Best. weekend. ever.

Anyway - the winner of the $45 gift certificate to CSN is commenter #32 (via random.org).  Congratulations to Nettie!!!  Look for an email from me with your gift code!!!

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend. :)

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