27 January 2011

Fit for a princess...

Well, I'm back.  My house is coming back together.  Finally.  We made some new paint choices and even rearranged the furniture, to make the most of a terrible situation!  It helped. :)  I'll show off some of the new look soon!

For today though, I'm sharing a fun project for that little girl of yours.  I've wanted some sort of plaque above Sasha's bed for some time now.  And like most 4 year olds she is very much into princesses right now.  I love the architectural crowns I see everywhere - like in Ballard Designs.  Hobby Lobby is my go to place for those kinds of knock-offs, and my trip there to find inspiration for this project did not diasppoint! {But the again, does Hobby Lobby EVER disappoint?}

So I found a red metallic tray in the clearance section, that had the lovliest shape.  And I found a crown in the religious aisle(?)...   Together they gave me exactly what I was looking for.

I don't have a before picture of the tray, but I spray painted it ballet slipper pink (Krylon!).  And I spray painted the crown glossy white... little tip here, I've learned {the hard way, I'm afraid} that when it comes to white, always, always go with glossy.  Flat and sometimes satin are just bad, bad... as in they look bad.  More of a gray white and chalky.  Blech.

I glued the crown to the tray - gorilla glue works, even hot glue maybe?  And voila!  A beautiful plaque, fit for a princess.

Now I just need some ideas as to HOW to hang it... probably above the bed in place of her "4".  Do they make plate hangers that big??? Or should I try something else?  Ideas please!!!


  1. That's adorable Leilani!!! I love! I think it would look great in place of the 4, although the 4 is very cute.

  2. I love it, too. I vote for replacing the four as well. There are those disc hangers I've seen around the blogs that might work. http://dischangers.com/

  3. Interesante...
    estoy aprendiendo.

  4. Cute idea! How about hanging it with some pretty ribbon?

  5. I love this! So CUTE!:)

  6. HI Lei-

    Thanks for leaving me the nice comment. They do sell large plate hangers at Michael's crafts, but Disc Changers are probably the best way as it will be hidden. It is very clver and perect for your little princess.
    My best- Diane

  7. So cute!!! What about mounting it to the headboard...kinda like where you have it propped up? You could hot glue it so it doesn't do permanent damage to the bed. :)


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