05 January 2011

Best of 2010 - photography edition

Hey peeps!  I've entered a photo in I Heart Faces "Best Photo of 2010".  PLEASE go vote for me... you can vote for up to 5 photos, but only once per photo per IP address.  So, I wouldn't be averse to you spreading the word for me. ;)

Here's the photo I entered, a real kicker, huh?  This little cutie was a hoot.  Never stop shooting - that is my motto.  Because you just never know what you're going to get, and I say this photo is priceless!

HERE is the link to the contest.  Find me (I'm around #827 at the moment) and click VOTE below my thumbnail.  THANKS!!!

Also, I put together a video collage of all my favorite portraits of 2010 for my photography blog. It was so fun (and time consuming) to put together, I thought I'd show it off here too!  It definitely fits the creative bill for the week.  BUT you have to visit my facebook page to view it... shameless self promotion here, I know!  A girls' gotta do what a girl's gotta do!  Click over and then "like" my page if you enjoy the video (I know you will...)
Have a wonderful day!!!


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!