30 December 2010

Happy New Year!

I am so excited for 2011.  I love the coming of a new year.  I love starting with a clean slate.  I love getting a new calendar and filling it with grand plans.  There are some really fun, really cute calendars for FREE around blogland.  You should really check them out.

First, we have the Blog Guidebook 2011 offered by Lyndsey and Sarah HERE.  I love, love the graphics in this calendar.  It is SO GOING up in my kitchen!!!

You can download the calendar for free here!

If you prefer something striking yet simple, check this one out from Sprik Space.

Aren't the colors delicious?  You can dowload this one from here.

I downloaded a darling miniature one for one of my best friends, who adores owls.  I found it at My Owl Barn

It was so fun to pick and choose which art work she'd like for each month.  In the end I laminated it and put a binder ring through it.  Tied on a fun ribbon and now she has the cutest little calendar for her purse.  Love it.

Scout the internet, I am sure there are more.  Nie Nie has a fun calendar for sale, too. 

It's made of all her seasonal headers, which I love and adore! 

HaPpY  NeW  yEaR!!!


  1. Those are so neat Lei! I especially like the first ones!

  2. Great round up! Happy new year :)


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