13 November 2010

And the winner is...

Thanks to all who entered the giveaway for CSN Stores!  Looks like several of you who said you followed didn't actually register as new followers (it's a 2-step process, and many forget to click through the 2nd step), but I counted your entry anyway because I'm nice like that.  But if you really want to follow my blog - I would be delighted if you tried again!  There will be more giveaways in the next few months and it would be a great way to be informed of those, plus who doesn't love making new bloggy friends?

Without further ado, the winner of the $45 gift certificiate (via random.org) is...

#67, Felicia K.  who said "I love CSN and searching through their baby selection!"

Congrats Felicia!  Enjoy picking out something fun!  Look for an email from me soon. :)

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