06 October 2010

You've been boo'ed!

We do some form of this every year - there's the Halloween Phantom Ghost and a some other versions of this at http://myfolsom.com/boo.  Since it seems to be making a popular appearance in blogland this year, I thought I'd share a picture of the treats we distributed to our neighbors this week!  If I could have done a whole orange and black party this year, I would have.  I have a son who's birthday is the week before Halloween, but he's finally in the last 2 years started asking for other party themes.  Sigh.  It was fun while it lasted.  On the other hand,  I can take out my stifled creativity frustration on the neighbors.  Lol.

I found the buckets in the $1 aisle at Target.  The polka dot tissue paper was on clearance (woot!).  The striped labels for the soda (which I purposely mixed and matched to incorporate both the orange and the "black"ish root beer) was cut from wrapping paper.  The Eat, Drink and Be Scary image is from Craftily Ever After.  The scrolls are scrapbook stickers.  Inside the buckets are cheetos, repackaged-for-cuteness circus peanuts and black licorice.:)  I also tossed in a couple boxes of stickers.  I got everything except the circus peanuts at Target.

The concept is, you place a ghost, or pumpkin, or in our case the word "boo" on the door of an unsuspecting neighbor (as in ring the bell and RUN!), along with some goodies, and this sort of explanation:

To our good friends on our street:
Our homes' locations made us meet.
You now have been Boo'd, but who could we be?
We'll never tell, it's a secret, you see.
We placed these goodies for and yours
Then we ran fast, after knocking on the door!


Place this Boo on your front door
And make sure you Boo two neighbors of yours!

I downloaded this at http://myfolsom.com/boo.  It's in a cute font and everything.  Would have copied and pasted here so you could see but it's a pdf and I don't have Adobe installed.  Just click on the link and you'll see this and a few other versions of this fun tradition!


I'm linking up at these places!

Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

Join us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. i wish you were neighbor :)

  2. Hahahahahaha!!!! We do have the same header! Not sure if it's a "Great minds think alike" moment, or a huge fashion no no to have the same thing as someone else. But, truth be told, yours looks better than mine! Thanks for the great comment on my blog! -Kelsee

  3. Thanks for sharing! SOooo Cute! Now I just have to get out and BOOOoooo People! You inspire me!
    p.s I steal so much from you! XO

  4. What a super idea. The kits you put together are so fun.

  5. We just "Booed" someone last night. Love your treat that you left, super cute. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some love. : )

  6. Wish I lived near you! ;) Love those buckets; they're so cute. You have some wonderful ideas.

  7. CUTE! We did this last year but our "BOO bags" weren't nearly as cute as your stuff.

  8. Such a cute idea, Lei!! I love it!

  9. Okay, "Eat, Drink, and be Scary" is my new favorite Halloween saying. How cute is that with the soda? I wish I'd seen this a couple of years ago when our neighborhood was sending phantom treats around.

  10. I just linked up and I love what you are passing out, I want one. I did that saying on a canvas, hop on over and check me out!



  11. So cute! I gave you the Happy 101 blog award @ jeffanderinterry.blogspot.com


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