20 August 2010

quilting with paper

I have a dream, and that is to one day make quilts.  Lots and lots of quilts.  I have it in my mind that it is hard.  Like superwoman powers hard.  Not just skill-wise.  Patience-wise.  I'm a bam, slam, thank-you-maam kind of creator.  I want results and I want them fast.  But I could look at quilts all day long.  I adore them and all the fine detail that goes into them.  So one day I will have what it takes to sit down for 40 hrs. and make one.  But for today, for my immediate satisfaction, I made the equivalent to one quilt block, using scrapbook paper.  It was fast, easy, and I didn't prick my fingers with a needle doing it!  Win, win, win!!!

All you need is:

scrapbook paper (of course)
glue stick
mat board if you like

I started with my base layer.  Divide the opening size of your frame by 4 and cut those pieces out first.  Then layer as desired... I used a doily for my next layer.  I pieced 4 more papers together and traced the doily across all 4 of them.  And for a little whimsy, I added 2 additional pieces - fan shaped - to the center of 2 of those doily portions.  Kind of pulls it all together, I think. :)


Linking up:

Join us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. I like it! Great idea, Leilani.

  2. What a great idea for dressing up a room. I think I might have to try this in my girls' rooms.

  3. What a wonderful dream...that would assuredly be my own nightmare. :) But how cool is that!!


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