13 May 2010

Having one of those weeks...

I'm sure you can all relate.  The to-do list is officially 2 pages long, in my tiniest handwriting.  So I'm sorry for the lag in blogging, but you know the saying - "Something's gotta give."  I actually have been blogging, just not here.  In the next few days I hope to have some new posts up on my photography blog.  Gotta catch up! So maybe you'd like to visit me there (if you get to missing me too much). :)

In the meantime I will continue to check things off on my list so I can show you a cute idea for a centerpeice, as well as handstitched flour sacks and some fun collage ideas using paper and fabric.

And Austinites, have you heard about this? 

Hope to see you there!


  1. I completely understand! I didn't know that you had a photography blog. I'll have to check it out.
    I wish so much that I could go to the Renegade Craft fair. I was just telling my husband about it the other day. Ahhhh, to leave my own to do lists behind, jump in the car and head to Austin for the weekend would be so fun! Have a great time!

  2. Hang in there! I know all about being swamped and blogging is always the first to go.

    Hope you'll be back in full force soon!

  3. no i have not! but, I am happy I know about it now!!

  4. Definitely check it out, tomorrow is the last day. I went today and it took me a few hours to get through all the booths. It was awesome!


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