19 April 2010

Vote for me! Vote for me!

I have submitted 4 party entries in Sweet Charli's Birthday Party Contest.  Any of you that have been around for a while know that planning my kids' birthday parties is an absolute passion of mine!  So please help me win this contest!  You may only vote once, so go check out my entries - they are #1 (Pinkalicious party), #5 (Cooking party), #13  (Robot party) and #14 (Rockstar party) - and vote for the one you like best!!! 

Voting ends April 26 at 11:59pm and the winner will be announced on April 27.  If I win, I will be celebrating with a giveaway!


  1. You KNOW I did!! And not just cause I'm biased, but because your Rock Star party is utterly the best idea for a party I've ever seen and I will copy the idea in the near future. I also loved your Robot ideas. You deserve to win!!

  2. I voted! Love the ROBOT Party, the Rock Star was my second fav! YOUR AWESOME!

  3. I voted for you :) I LOVE the robot party idea! I mean with "nuts and bolts" and "computer chips"...how could you not win!

  4. Hi Lei, I had a hard time deciding between all of your themes, but I chose the Rock Star Party. Good Luck!

  5. thanks so much for voting you guys - you are the best!


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!