28 April 2010

Hello, summer!

I have had these shoes for so long. Since the 90s you guys! They've survived the test of time. But I got bored with them and so they haven't gotten much wear the last couple summers. It's amazing that they've also survived the last couple trips to Goodwill. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do this with them:

10 minutes, you guys. 5 strips of fabric tied on to each shoe. That's it. And a little Fray Check. Satisfies my apetite for both new shoes and the color turqouise!

Linking up:

Show and Tell Green


  1. What a fun pop of color!

  2. Well that was easy! Fun idea. If you are interested, I have a weekly blog party especially for people to share things they've made to be worn. Stop by if you'd like!

  3. Love it! I was just thinking about doing that so some sandals and flip flops yesterday! Now I know it will look cute. :)

  4. I love the easy transformation/update! Perfect!

    Unfortunately, I don't have any old sandals....


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!