09 April 2010

Buttons, buttons!

I love buttons.  And I've had this cuff since junior high/high school.  It was passed down to me by a newly married youth leader at church who had the coolest clothes and accessories, and betrothed a lot of them to me.  I've worn it a few times over the years but always thought it needed a little something.  Since I just did a bracelet post at Tatertots place (which, in case you missed, I will be reposting) I was on a roll already, and got this idea.

No need for a tutorial, I don't think.  All I did was hot glue buttons on the cuff.  Easy enough!  I love mother of pearl and the m.o.p. buttons look so lovely on this piece.

The ring was a plain sterling silver band I bought years ago to wear as my wedding ring while on a symphony tour in Central Europe.  It has gotten little use since then so I covered it with ribbon and another button and now I have a matching set!

We've all got unused jewelry.  Can you think of something fun to spruce up your unused pieces?

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