06 January 2010

Hello world.

'Bout time I blogged about something, eh?

Now that the holidays have passed and with it all the baking and gift making I am able to focus once again on the projects I've had lying around the house.  One of them, endless it seems, is my craft room.  I transformed it from a dining room a few months ago.  And here is something I recently completed in there... ribbon stands.

I have tons of ribbon.  I am to ribbon what a seamstress is to fabric.  I love it.  I use it in everything - hair, crafts, around napkins, on presents (of course).  Often ribbon makes that one fun item just a little more feminine.

I posted another idea for storing ribbon here.  All I did was wrap my scraps around clothespins, this kind:

And secured them with straight pins.

Because I have so much ribbon (and tulle), I am constantly trying to think of new ways to store it, and because it is so pretty I like for the storage to be aesthetically pleasing. These ribbon stands were made using dowel rods (to slide the ribbon on), round wooden discs (for the base) and either door or cabinet knobs for the tops.  They look rickety and some of the ribbon is unravelling but that is only because I forgot to straighten them up before I took the picture... my kids like spinning the spools of ribbon.  Lol.

Basically these are made like a paper towel holder.  I drilled a hole in my wooden disc for the base, glued in the rod securely using Elmer's Wood Glue, and painted the whole thing an antique white.  Then I topped it off with a removable knob.  I found a door knob on clearance at Hobby lobby because it was missing an enclosure on top of one end of the knob.  You can't even tell it is gone since the whole thing is clear glass.   Once the door knob was unscrewed it became 2 toppers.  And they fit perfectly over the tops of my dowels.  When I want a roll of ribbon all I have to do is lift off the knob.

The third stand has a cabinet knob on top.  I had to saw the screw off of it, though.  And hot glue it to the top of the rod.  There was a bit of a sharp tip leftover after I sawed it off so I was also able to sort of screw it into the dowel a bit before hot gluing it.  Probably not the most secure method, but it works fine. And the access point on that stand is from the bottom.  I simply didn't glue in the rod like I had the others, and made it a snugger fit with that tacky stuff you can hang posters on the wall with.  Just a dab around the tip of the rod did the trick.

I need to antique them next.  I bought some wood stain, now to just not let my mind wander onto other fun things!

Linking up today with:




  1. Very cute idea! I might have to try this :)

  2. What a fantastic idea. Thanks so much for sharing it.

  3. beautiful and so useful.

    i get a little crazy when i get to buy some ribbon. so having 3 of these little stands would just show off my collection.


  4. Great idea! I have just been using my son's old dried out markers in the center on a shelf but it wastes a lot of space because each one would only hold a few rolls of ribbon. Using a dowel in the center is much more efficient.

    Thanks for sharing the idea with us!

  5. What a fun idea! It makes me want to run out and start collecting ribbon like you. :-)

  6. Love that you use a pretty nob for the top. Lezlee

  7. I have these but much smaller and no ADORABLE knobs on top! Great work!

  8. This is awesome! I love a fun way to display Ribbon! You make me want to go and organize my Craft room!

  9. That is a great idea!!! I would definitely do this...if I didn't have 2 kids that would love to unravel the ribbon:) That would be a dream toy for them!!!

  10. Oh what a great idea, not only easier to store ribbon but looks so darn cute. I have to have these! Thanks!

  11. Great idea - very cute. The ribbon looks so pretty displayed that way!


  12. You and me...we are ribbon kindred spirits. When I don't have so many little ones running around, I might have to give this a try! It would also help if my craft room wasn't the guest bedroom. :)

  13. this was soooo cool that i stopped reading and made one! ribbon is so much easier to store when it's vertical, takes up a lot less space! AND i can see right away what i've already got! thanks SO much!


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