23 September 2009

Off to where dreams really do come true...

Tomorrow I leave for Orlando with my 3 year old, Sasha. We are going to Disney World, unbeknownst to her. We have family there, and she knows we are going to visit them, but she doesn't know Disney World even exists, let alone that we are going to spend 2 whole days there. This little one is so enamored with princesses and fairy tales and magic. I cannot WAIT to see the look on her face when we walk up to that castle. In fact, I will have my video camera ready so that I can relive that moment again and again. This is going to be very, very fun. I wish they stayed little and dreamy like this forever.


  1. That will be such a moment!! Cant wait to see the pictures of her face!

  2. What a fun adventure for both of you.


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