01 June 2009

Robot birthday party

This was fun. Way fun. Way too much fun. Okay, on with the pictures already!

I was going to buy some generic Wall-E invitations but couldn't find them in any B&M stores. These invites were a free download online. Much cuter, and since the party wasn't strictly a Wall-E party, they were perfect.

The front door. Made using a vinyl tablecloth base. I wrapped posterboard in tin foil for the head and body. Used plates for the eyes. Forks for the hair/antennae. A cup for the nose. Straws for the mouth. The rest of the details were made from craft foam and stickers.

The idea behind the balloons was that they'd fill the ceiling and create a nighttime/space-like effect. I hung stars from 8 of them (one for each guest to take home). And after I took the picture I cut the rest of the strings off. This disuaded the kids from jumping for them all night long. Lol. Next time I will need to order more balloons so they stay huddled together better.

The invitations said for everyone to bring their pillow. We laid out several blankets on the floor and the kids laids on it during the movie.

I had a blast creating robot-themed snacks:





The cupcakes sorta look like robots, don't they? Lol.

The birthday boy (7!) blowing out his candles:

The party favor idea came from none other than Family Fun. I saved and washed several soup cans. Taped the rims with electrical tape for safety. Spray painted some washers and bolts and screws and attached them to magnets to creat a robot verion of Mr. Potato Head. Inside were Wall-E coloring pages and a small box of crayons, Pop Rocks and Pixie Sticks.

Can't wait to do this one again for Drew!


  1. That is awesome. Oliver loves robots (or reebots as he calls them). I'm filing these ideas away for future use...

  2. Love it! I love that tin can robot idea from Family Fun!

  3. Super cute. I love your kids parties.

  4. Amazing work! Everything turned out so cute!

  5. So fun! You should submit your bday parties to tipjunkie.blogspot.com. She's doing giveaways and just recently asked for bday submissions.

  6. Love this--it is all great. You always do such cute things.

  7. Robot party? Great idea! I love the theme and the snacks with labels on it. Though the cupcakes don't look like robots but they'll do. LOL=D
    Where do you get these cool ideas? Thanks for sharing, my son's birthday is coming up and I'm sure he and his friends will love the robot theme.

  8. Cris - I scoured the internet for ideas and pulled them from tons of different places, switched them up a little to personalize it. Good luck in your own party planning! have fun!

  9. What a fun party! I love all the cute names you gave the snacks. :) And those can favors....amazing!!

  10. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I love it!

  11. Great ideas! I'm going to use some of these for my son's party, I think.

  12. AWESOME! Great ideas that I am going to use. It's all my son wants... his robot birthday . :)

  13. I stumbled onto your site months ago when I did a google blog search for robot party ideas! Our party is this Friday and I have used your site as a go-to guide for the big event! Your ideas are FABULOUS!!!

    I hope our party is half as awesome as yours! Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for posting all of these ideas. Yours are the best on the web. I copied so much-- I hope you consider it flattery!!

  14. Hello!

    So I, like the gal above me, googled Robot Birthday Party and you came popping up! LOVE all your ideas-thanks for sharing and for letting us copy you a little bit... :)

    One question-do you happen to still know the site that you downloaded the robot invitation from?

    If you wouldn't mind emailing it to me, I'd be so grateful! :)


    Thanks again!

  15. I must have subconsciously tucked this post away. We're having a robot party this week and I was looking for a few more ideas. I should have known you'd come through! but I actually found you on google (first result :) )I think I'll have to copy your snacks, although I'm not sure pre-readers will get it.

  16. Thank you so much for the inspiration


  17. I love all the iead you had! Especially the Robot Mr. Potato Head. I'm doing a robot party for my one year old and wish I could do this but sadly most of the kids would try to eat him!

  18. Awww! All the imaginative buffet signs are fantastic!


  19. Great party! Thanks for posting all of these wonderful ideas...I'm in the middle of planning a robot party and I think I will be making some of those robot potato heads! Cute idea! I gave you a little mention at http://onmycraftlist.blogspot.com/


  20. LOVE LOVE LOVE your ideas! I'm planning a Robot birthday party for my 2 year old this weekend & LOVE Your ideas! Thanks for sharing!!



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