24 March 2009

Are we there yet?

I keeping asking myself this question. Why? Because on Thursday I get to take off, by myself, for 3 days. 3 days of no Dora. 3 days of no settling spats. 3 days of no answering the same question times 10. 3 days of quiet. 3 days of not having to share what is on my plate. 3 days of going to the restroom alone. 3 days of doing whatever I want - sleeping, reading, watching movies. In a big hotel room. With spa access (my poor runner's feet cannot wait). And the company of my lovely sister-in-law to whom I owe the accomodations.

Thursday, where art thou? Come swiftly and pass slowly. Rejuvenate me. Give me breath. Grant me rest, I beg thee.

Oh, and be sweet to my husband. Forsake him not. He hath taken time off work for me to do this. And if it be thy will, subdue my children... just enough to keep my spouse sane, though not enough that he is not in awe of me upon my return, and doth lavish me with praise and a promise that I might be let away again once more...


  1. Sounds like you will have a glorious time--ENJOY EACH AND EVERY MINUTE.

  2. Well, come on Thursday! Hurry and deliver!

    {have a great time!}

  3. Oh wow! THis is so beautifully written.
    "Come swiftly and pass slowly."
    "And if it be thy will, subdue my children... though not enough that he is not in awe of me upon my return,"


  4. Have fun. I need a vacation from life. Unfortunatley I would have to come back to it. :0

  5. Enjoy!!!!

    Loved this...I think I will borrow it the next time I get a "getaway." :)

  6. That sounds great, I bet you're having the time of your life because Thursday got here!

  7. I love the way you penned this! I hope you have a fabulous getaway!

  8. sounds like a perfect prayer to me! have fun!

  9. That was a great read today! I'd imagine you are resting and relaxing right now as I type! Hope you are enjoying your time. I'd imagine it is well deserved!

  10. fun!!! How exciting. Have some fun for me!! :)


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