11 February 2009

From the bottom of my heart...


A little known fact about me is that I hate to cook, but I LOVE to bake. Just to put it in persepctive for you, if I were to realize I was missing an ingredient for dinner, I'd call Andrew and tell him I just didn't have the energy to tote 4 kids to the grocery store for just one stupid ingredient. If, however, I was missing an ingredient to say, chocolate frosting, I'd climb mountains to acquire it. I'd climb mountains with 4 kids totalling 170 lbs. on my BACK... I don't care if it is the finest cocoa in the world, I will make sure I attain it without haste.

This recipe for frosted sugar cookies is one of those that I look forward to making all year long. On Valentine's Day. And I can ONLY make them once a year because they are SO good that I find I cannot stop at 1. Or 3. *blush* Plus, they are truly a gift from the heart. It's like ripping my heart out to give them away! Lol.

The recipe belongs to an old Sunday School teacher. She was quite the woman. She must have made a few dozen of these cookies every Sunday, because there were always enough to go around the entire ward! When I got married and moved away it was one of my top priorities to attain this recipe for myself.

Christine's Never Fail Sugar Cookies

(dough does not need refrigeration)

2 c sugar
2 c butter flavored Crisco (or butter/marg)
6 eggs
6 tsp baking powder
7 c flour
4 tsp vanilla

Cream sugar and Crisco. Add eggs, vanilla, and then dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Roll/shape and bake at 375 for 10 minutes.

The frosting recipe I've settled on belongs to my good friend Brooke and is really easy.

1/4 c softened butter (make sure it's VERY soft)
3 c powdered sugar
1 or more Tbsp milk
1 t vanilla

Mix thoroughly.

ENJOY my friends! And try to share! ;)


  1. Ah, I miss reading your blog. I know life has been busy. Hugs!

  2. Hot diggety dog! A sugar cookie recipe that does not need refrigerating! That is exactly what I need because when I work up the energy to make cookies I want them NOW. 6 eggs. Oh my.

  3. I could absolutely ditto your first paragraph--that is exactly me! And frosted sugar cookies are my favorites things on earth, so I'm looking forward to trying this recipe. Just the picture makes me hungry for them!

  4. LOL at your first paragraph.

    I LOVE sugar cookies--I'm just lousy at rolling them out. Will have to give these a try. Thanks.

  5. Ooooooh! Yummy!
    I love baking too. I find it relaxing.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe. You know I'm a bit of a recipe collector, lol. :)

  6. i have eaten way too many heart shaped sugar cookies this week. i enjoy cooking but i couldn't live without baking. in fact, my oven's heating element melted on thursday and i drove 20 minutes to use my sister's oven to bake our sugar cookies. for dinners, we've been living on soups, takeout, and leftovers, but we can't miss out on the cookies!

  7. i loved this recipe! thanks for posting it. we needed one that didn't have to refridgerate, so i remembered you'd posted this!


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