22 February 2009


Today I met a woman who lost her 19 month old baby in a drowning incident. Today I met a woman who's a cancer survivor and less one leg since 8 months ago. Today I met a woman who survived unemployment while raising 11 children. Today I met a woman who suddenly found herself married to a selfish man. Today I met a woman who's battled with depression and anxiety since she was a young child. 5 women courageously shared their challenges with a congregation of over 100 women. 5 women who aired the most intimate details of their lives to give 100 women the strength to carry on. 100 women who could in some part relate to every one of these heart wrenching stories went home with lots to think about. How can I not be happy when I know that someone else has it worse than me? How can I improve my attitude and rededicate myself to motherhood? How can I better serve others? How can I show my family how much I love and appreciate them, before its too late? How can I perserveare? There is so much to be grateful for today, that I'd better find extra time to spend on my knees. There are so many little things I take for granted each and every day. I will wake up tomorrow more devoted to my calling as a wife, a mother, a friend. I will be more appreciate of the simple gift that is life. I will find someone to serve. I will choose to be happy.


  1. beautifully said. what a great meeting. i'm so glad that these strong women were willing to share their struggles in order to strengthen others.

  2. This might get long.

    When Macy was born and I became a SAHM, I was miserable. She wasn't planned and I wasn't really sure I wanted to be a mom. I had been working full time at a job that I lovedk I was back in school, and then suddenly I found myself staring at a baby all day every day. I broke my foot and my hand when she was a month old and was housebound for the next 6 weeks. I remember vividly a moment of clarity. THIS IS YOUR LIFE FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS! That's when I realized I had a choice...Be miserable for 20 years, or find the joy. I chose the joy.

  3. I'm so strengthened by the stories of others. Such beautifully written. Thank you.

    Attitude really is everything.

  4. Thanks for posting this Lei. We all need to get our perspective a little more "correct" every once in a while, don't we?

  5. I will tell you something that was taught at our last stake conference. It is something I am pondering.

    "Our trial is can we reamain faithful?"

  6. I have some dear friends who are really struggling lately and their struggles have really caused me to open my eyes. I am grateful for the abundant life I live!

    Beautiful post!


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