20 January 2009

Just cause I want to remember it...

Adriana came home today all excited because she got to see President Obama's inauguration speech in school. She added, and I quote, "I saw him SWEAR, Mom!"


Cute girl.


  1. Super cute!

    My 8 year old was excited about the whole thing, too. :)

  2. LOL! I told my 5 year old that that was President Obama and he's like, "No, mom, it's President McCain!" Apparently he remembered how much distress I was in around Election Day when he told me he wanted to vote for McCain. ;) He thought it was hilarious, in November AND today. Little punk.

  3. That's funny. It was great watching everything yesterday! I found that I had such a sense of pride and couldn't believe that we as Americans have gotten "there" I just thought about all my history books growing up and how Isabellas will be so different.

  4. lol. My kids were concerned about the same thing. "Isn't it bad to swear?" they asked.

  5. So did she get to swear some too?


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