03 December 2008

2 fun holiday craft ideas I'd love to get to...

... but in case I don't (and honestly? proably won't), I'll share them with you!

I got this idea off the cover of Garnet Hill. Tell me this isn't a great idea for homemade Christmas cards.


And tell me these aren't perfect for stockings! Think of all the cute socks they have in the $1 aisle at Target... that means they'd have to be made on a small scale.. but, uh huh. I want to see how yours turn out. ;) And if you get a hold of the catalog they have some darling fishy shaped ones on the back cover that would be ULTRA easy (like for non-seamstresses such as me).



  1. Those little guys are way cute. Where did the pattern come from?

  2. those are darling--I wish I had the time to get to them too!

  3. I want to do that for YW. Where do I get directions for the little monsters?

  4. Emily asnd Tannie - the word these is a link... click on it! Takes you right to the tutorial.


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