23 July 2008

Join me in the movement!

I've made a decision. We're not going to have a perfect summer... there will be no regular craft day, library day, activity day, baking day. That's right. I said it. We're not going to have a perfect summer! We're going to get in shape this summer, that's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna be a mean mom. Can you believe it? Me.

We'll be learning to make beds. We'll be learning to make breakfast and lunch for ourselves. We'll be learning to tie our shoes and put together our clothes for the day. We'll be learning to clean up the table after dinner. We'll be learning to fold!

I've got a lot more house to keep now and so I've decided... I'm not going to do it alone!

So there.

(Except I won't be totally mean, because you know that's not really who I am... I just wanted to sound tough and stuff... in fact, we ARE going to the library. This afternoon. We're just not going every week. And I don't feel guilty about it. At all.



  1. Sounds like a great idea - the not perfect summer. Have a fab day.

  2. my idea of a perfect summer is none of those things you named. i love days filled with whatever you want, doing things at the drop of a hat. drawing, playing outside with friends, hours at a pool.....along with chores. good luck teaching your kids!!! if you have any breakthroughs let us know. i'm working on that same thing myself.

  3. Sounds like a great plan. Let us know how it works.

  4. Sounds like you need to join the mean moms club. I happen to be the President, so I can definitely put a good word in.

  5. My wife put together a whole points system and cleaning schedule so we could "teach" basic skills like "clean your room." But we had forgot about EFY, girls camp, scout camp, band camp, soccer camp, family vacation and a week at grandma's and grandpa's house. But for that week or two our kids won't be in prearrange all out fun activities, we are really going to teach them a thing or two. Good luck with your new resolutions.

  6. Good for you! It's so much more fun if you don't have to do it all alone.

  7. When my boys were growing up.....I had the title of the meanest mom on earth, my response to them was that it was my job. Funny how they spent soooooo much time at the golf course and all afternoon at the pool. Enjoy your summer!!!

  8. Good for you! Sometimes drastic times call for drastic measures...with a little fun thrown in too. :)

  9. I guess I'm the mean mom because that's exactly what summer is for at my house- learning those life skills that are too hard to add during the school year. Summer home school. We have fun, too-just not organized, regularly scheduled fun.

  10. I gave up long ago about perfect summers, and I think that's the reason they are so fun!! I'm teh mean mom, everyone says it, even my students- but you know what? I don't care- because even at my meanest, we still have a great time. :)

  11. We had two months of relaxing with fewer expectations and more unstructured time. But the piano wasn't being played and the beds weren't being made. So, August will be different at our house, too.

  12. Love it. Those are exactly the things we are going to be working on when homeschool starts in one week.


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