23 May 2008

It's ten to zero...


... with Sasha in the lead. The doorknob covers I put up in the apartment to keep her out of trouble (and keep me from having to follow her around) are losing by a large margin. Figures. Smart kid.

The safety gate at the mouth of the kitchen however is up for player of the year. Yay!


  1. It's some thing about the age... one's and two's..... whooooo boy. I'm feeling it too!

  2. Out of all my childproofing efforts, the only thing that was really worth it is the locks on our cupboards. Everthing else? Well, we were losers, too.... :-)

  3. smart... and SUPER DUPER CUTE!

  4. I have to agree with chel--smart and very cute.

  5. n learned how to bask the doorknob covers of fthe other day- now all is fair game-- wahhhhh

  6. My kids must not be very brilliant because we have LOVED the door knob covers we have :) !!

  7. Well, that's about my record too. I have got to come up with a different plan for the pantry door-they are WAY too smart!

  8. This rings all too true. We had them on for two days before our little guy was opening them right up. Now he opens them for his siter whenever he can see that she "needs help." Our newest addition this week is flip locks on all of the main doors as Mr. L has figured out how to open the dead bolts and had me panicked the other day when I got out of the shower to find the front door wide open. Ahhhh. Way too smart these kids of ours.


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