20 April 2008

Recital clip


I can hardly believe it is over. It went very well... I think we had about 65-70 attendees. I felt so great afterwards. I've been looking forward to performing again for a very long time!

Below are a couple clips (and above is a sweet picture of me and my "little" brother), the first is a viola piece called Romanze by Max Bruch. The second is a violin duet called Double Concerto for Two Violins by J.S. Bach. Don't my violin partner and I look funny together? I am about twice her height! Lol! (And no I am not pregnant... I think I look pregnant in these videos... that darn white silk shirt is not so flattering under those stage lights.)


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  1. Oh wow! She is a tiny person, isn't she? Or maybe you're taller than I think.

    You sounded lovely! I am happy it went well.

  2. That was great. You sounded wonderful. So glad you posted the clip.

    I'm glad that it went well.

  3. fabulous!! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful talent. Maybe one of these days I'll get brave and post my singing on my blog.

  4. Lara - yeah, tiny - like 4 ft. tall tiny! And I'm 6 ft. Plus, I wore heels and she wore flats. ROFL!

    Thanks everybody for listening!

  5. Really lovely, Lei!! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  6. So beautiful!! Thank you for sharing :)

  7. I think that's how tall I'd be next standing next to you. It's a good thing the music is so wonderful. You don;t even notice the height difference byt the end.

  8. The music is lovely. You deserve to be very happy about it.

  9. I always wanted to play an instrument. But, I can't.

    That was wonderful!

  10. Beautiful! I am thrilled you included clips and I am glad it went well!

  11. Thanks Leilani for posting these clips. I know we could not be there but we watched them together tonight. You did a great job. We love you, Sarah & Gary

  12. Yay a clip! Two clips! Lei, that was wonderful, good for you!

    That's too funny about your partner and the whole height and shoe thing. lol You two were great together though!

  13. You looked just beautiful and sounded wonderful--congratulations on the performance!

  14. wow! that was beautiful!!


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