27 March 2008

Ah, so that's what I missed while I was walking the halls...

My daughter has been of the age now for a couple years where she does not need busy activities during church, but I let her have a piece of paper and encourage her to write down her impressions.

I found this list she made from a while back in an old church bag. It starts off great - with some really deep stuff... John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ, Christ is our example, Say your prayers every night...

And then there's this:
(translation - Just like your wife said. Take out the trash! Ok!)



  1. CUTE picture below. Love it.

    Heh. I guess that's a phrase used in your house a lot?

  2. Ha ha ha!!! :)
    I know trash taking out isn't one of my chores... ;)

  3. well, you know. Church has practical benefits, as well as spiritual...!

  4. Hahahahahaha! She's pretty clever.

  5. "Hmmmmmmmmm" is right.... (wink)

  6. What fun!!! Kids are the best!

  7. She must have picked up that little gem from someone's talk. Too precious. I would copy it, lamanate it, and make it into a magnet for the firdge so my husband would see it. =)

  8. So great. It is funny to see what they soak up from everyday things.


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