10 October 2007

maternity photo shoot

I've always loved photography - especially children's photography. Today I had the opportuntiy to take pictures of one of my beautiful pregnant friends. It was so much fun! I have to share some of the pictures with you...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


  1. How fun! I love the first picture ... well, really all of them. Hopefully we will have more kids.

  2. Beautiful! I can't wait to be pregnant again....... at least I say that now.

  3. Those are absolutely beautiful pictures. You are so talented. I'm sure your friend was thrilled.

    I loved being pregnant even though I was quite sick, and, in fact, spent 2 months in the hospital with severe dehydration.

  4. So wonderful! I always regret that I have never had fun pregnant pictures of me done... and I'm not having any more kids... these are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  5. You continue to awe me with your many talents. Beautiful pictures.

  6. Aww...I love mommy-to-be pictures. We cannot help but look gorgeous, even though we don't always feel it.

    And just like Misty - it makes me want to have more babies. If only everything stayed as cute as in the pictures :)

  7. I wish I would've done some fun pregnancy shots. I never had a beautiful pregnant belly though.

  8. Lei you did great!!! You should be so proud of yourself.

  9. Beautiful job! I love photography too. :)

  10. I am in awe. Beautiful work, Lei!

  11. So I looked at the pictures before I read the text and I thought, "That doesn't look like LEI!!"

    She does look gorgeous though.

  12. When I was in Egypt I watched a TV program over there that showed how some artist made plaster of paris casts of pregnant momma bellies. He covered their big tummies with vaseline and then put on cast making strips. Some were just the stomach area. Some were stomach and breasts. After they set hard they were removed and then painted in wild beautiful designs and then usually hung on the wall in the nursery. Hard to describe, but the visual of it was quite amazing.

  13. I have given you an award, come check it out. :)


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