10 September 2007

Woman to Woman

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Today for Woman to Woman we're taking a few moments out of our busy days to reflect on our blessings and the things which we are grateful for. I think that for many people, 9/11 was an eye opener. It's helped us to realize that there are a great many things that we take for granted. Please join us today for some introspection and share with us 11 things that you are thankful for. It feels so good to give reverence to such a pivotal day in our history by recognizing the good things of the world.

1. my family - I couldn't bear to lose them. I'm not sure where that kind of strength comes from, the kind that keeps you going despite losing your soulmate, or a child, in a tragic situation. That's got to be one of the most defining moments in your life.

2. freedom - I am free to live the life that I want to, to believe what I feel is right, to govern myself and my children as I see fit, and to voice my opinions and concerns.

3. faith - Faith is the most powerful thing which you cannot see or touch. It is the only tool with which you can endure.

4. security - I feel safe. In this unpredictable world it is nice to feel comfort and stability.

5. health - I'm glad that I am able to care for my family without any ailments. I'm glad I have a strong and capable body.

6. laughter - Nothing cures better than a good, long laugh. It's healing powers and the relief it brings are unparalleled.

7. motherhood - I am certain that I would not become the woman I want to be any other way.

8. womanhood - There is so much joy and possibility in being a woman.

9. love - How can one go through life without loving or feeling loved?

10. music - I feel so lucky to have more than one means to express and share myself.

11. time - Thank goodness we have a lifetime to fulfill our earthly missions. I know it often feels like there is such little time, but not if you make the most of it.

If you've decided to join us today, please stop by my co-host
Morning Glory's blog as well. Leave us a link and a comment so we can each visit you in return!


  1. I appreciated reading your whole list. Thank you for your faithfulness in hosting...

  2. It is good to give thanks!

  3. You hit on many wonderful things we have to be grateful for. I am glad you and MG inspired this Woman to Woman topic. I enjoyed taking the time to stop and think about my many blessings.

  4. Very good topic! I enjoyed compiling my list--It made me realize how many, many things in my life fill me with gratitude. Some of these things are small, almost silly. Others form the very core of my being.

  5. Loved the list! I decided to try and be really specific with mine. That's really hard to do!

  6. A lovely list, Lei. Once you start thinking, there is so much to be grateful for, isn't there!

  7. Thank you Lei, for hosting with MG on the Woman to Woman topics. It has really been an inspiration to share with so many wonderful and loving women.

    I can relate with your list 100%.This topic has helped us get to know each other more by taking a look at the things that are dear to our heart.

    I wish for you a day filled with love and laughter!


  8. Thank you, Lei, for giving us this topic. It is a great day to think about all the blessings we enjoy--something we don't always do. Your list is wonderful--I love that you included laughter, which is something I forget about, but which is so important.

  9. What a great list! This is going to be a really good day.

  10. Hi Lei! I loved your list. Thank you so much for this forum; I looked forward to posting today so much!

  11. I have a feeling we are going to see some of the very same thoughts on the many entries for this week. I once spent a week writing down 100 things I was grateful for every day, for a total of 700 different things. IT becomes a real eye opener to do that.

  12. It is amazing how the most wonderful gifts are often are most overlooked. I, too have been giving thanks for many of these thinks lately, most particularly my health and ability to care for my family!

  13. Great List Lei!
    Thanks once again for hosting this and for this wonderful topic..

  14. You really touched on some of the greatest things to be thankful for. Love this list!

  15. What a beautiful post. It's good to write these things down so we don't take them for granted.

  16. I loved your list. This was a great topic for WtoW. Now is the time to really appreciate all that we have.

    *I gave you a blogger award on my blog.*


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