06 September 2007

Next Woman to Woman

We're coming up to the next Woman to Woman writing day, which will be Tuesday, September 11. Our theme has been changed to Gratitude. MG and I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to share specific things we are grateful for, so on Tuesday your writing assignment will be to list eleven items of gratitude, along with an explanation. (The significance being that it's Sept. 11.) I know we all have much in our lives for which to be grateful, so it should be a fairly easy topic for everyone.

On October 9, Woman to Woman will be hosting a book review. So please report on and recommend a book that you have read within the past 3 months. You may choose any book that falls into the categories of either Fiction or Mystery.

The final item regarding W to W is that we are coming to the last few weeks of topics. Our current schedule ends on December 11. We would like to offer our readers the opportunity for input on future topics, because we'd like to continue the W to W series as long as there's interest. If you have a topic you'd like to suggest, please email it to us for consideration. Our intent is to address subjects that are pertinent in women's lives whether you are a newlywed, middle aged or senior adult. We believe we all have something to share and learn together.Please keep in mind that we do not address religious differences or political issues. Those can be very divisive and our goal is to unite. We each have our email address in our blog profiles, so you shouldn't have difficulty contacting us.

Have a fabulous day!


  1. I'm not sure how I linked to your blog but it sure is beautiful! I think I'll try to join you with woman to woman! Thanks!

  2. I'm so proud of myself, with my blogging break in August I actually READ A BOOK. Yup, to the last word.

  3. I'm grateful for this next topic. I will spend the next few days thinking about all the things that I'm grateful for--I need to do that more often, rather than focusing on the negative. Thanks.

  4. I'm looking forward to participating in my first woman to woman blog!


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!