16 September 2007

Just rolling with the punches...

You can expect my next few months of blogging to be all about endurance. And sometimes just plain survival.

I've had a headache since Tuesday... some days it feels like a kink in my neck, other days it is a dull throb. Regardless, ibuprofren and heat have been my friend. To say I have a lot going on right now is putting it mildly. So stress and tension are likely contributors. So is over-exertion. After my workout on Tuesday morning, I nearly passed out while driving home, and then had to leave my two youngest in the car while I got the blood flowing back to my head. Dh had to come home from work so I could rest... I remained weak and shaky for the rest of the day. My guess is that with a 700 calorie burn workout, you need more than cereal and eggs to fuel you for 2 hours. During Thursday's workout, I sipped on a vitamin drink and it helped immensely. Hypoglycemia anyone?

My immediate family (parent/siblings) is struggling. A lot. I won't go into a lot of detail about it, because it is just so complicated - not to mention personal, but I would really appreciate extra prayers for comfort.

I cleared out a whole closet this weekend. Whoop-de-doo. Considering how I was feeling, it's pretty good progress. Considering what we were hoping to accomplish (all closets and the garage), it ain't so great.

I hope to be able to pick your brains for fun wall colors and interior design ideas soon... my creative blog will be merging with this one, so be prepared to think artistically (I know, it's not so nice for me to switch gears on you all like this!).


  1. Sometimes life's punches can be extra hard. I will send some prayers your way. Hang in there!

  2. That's one thing about life being like a roller coaster - sometimes it heads on a downward track. Hang tight!

  3. Lei, it's just so hard when life throws curves at us. I'm sorry you're struggling and I want you to know I really, really care!

  4. I'll add my good wishes--want to come over for lunch and some Advil?

  5. I wish I had some great words to help you, but just hang on. Remember you're never alone.

  6. No doubt the physical is a result of the emotional stress and the emotional stress is causing even more physical stress. So unfair.

    A closet done! Woot! That is totally something worth celebrating. That, and having a husband come home to help you out. What a great guy.

  7. It sounds like a lot going on for you. Good thoughts are heading your way.

  8. hope you feel better!

    rememberm, baby steps!


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