03 September 2007

I'm losing you...

(Disable my music player for video below)

The 2 little girls in this household are growing up way too quickly. Here we have Sasha, running away from me (just as I'd feared).

And here we have Adriana. In 3rd grade. Just got her ears pierced. Loves her mp3 player and reads Harry Potter. I can't take it! I want to freeze time...

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  1. Your blog is beautiful. :)

  2. My girl's in third grade, too. They grow too fast. People warned me. And I knew. But now I KNOW for myself...the time with them is so precious.

  3. She is such a darling girl. My first granddaughter is 9 and I'll bet they'd have a blast together.

  4. Sweet! I can't believe Sasha is up and around like that- that will be my life so soon! agghhhh!

    Kudos to you-your house looks spotless.

  5. Isn't it just incredible, how quickly time seems to fly by--THEY GROW UP SO QUICKLY. I'm with you wishing it could stand still or somehow we could turn back time. (but thank goodness for memories)

  6. So very cute! And I can't agree more. It's so sad when they grow up!!!

  7. Don't you hate it when time-honored cliches comes to roost smack dab in the middle of your life?

    When people said that, I was always like, "Yeah, yeah. My kids are going to grow up way too fast. Whatever." Now that I have two on the cusp of teenager-hood,I'm really feeling it.

    Psssst.....Cute Kids!

  8. Time flies so fast! Most of the time I wish it would slow down, but I really look forward to them growing, learning and experiencing life!

  9. I always told my oldest to not grow up so fast. She of course was perfectly disobedient.

  10. It's so painful isn't it??

  11. You know, some times I think that having a baby makes me not feel as sad for my older children to grow, but it's not true. We're currently getting ready to plan for our 4th, but my heart still aches for the time ALL of my children were smaller....even my 2nd grader.... if only I could get a day of it back.

    PS: And, I agree, it is SO PAINFUL! Some days my heart can't take it.

  12. Okay, way to make me sad! ; )

    Sasha is such a sweetie. I can't believe she's become a toddler already...

  13. They are both lovely!!! The start of school is sooooo fun, but also a reminder of how children are growing!!!

  14. I love that song and when you listen to it watching your daughter try out her legs, it really is heartwrenching.

  15. Where indeed is all the time going? I wish it would slow down for a bit ... at least certain aspects of it.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. You have such cute children! I love little Sasha walking around, she's a doll!

    Kids grow up way too fast! Somedays I wish they would act more mature but most of the time, I like them to stay young. :D


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