24 August 2007

Woman to Woman events and a give-away

The topic for Woman to Woman on Tuesday, August 28th, will be "Learning to say no". A lot of women feel like they have to "do it all", regardless of what may be realistic for them. Do you fall into this category? Can you just not resist the urge to be involved in everything? Or have you learned to say no? Have you taken a step backward and seen positive results? Share your frustrations or share your advice... Tell us what you think about the current trend to be all things to all people.

In October we will be having a Woman to Woman book review! Morning Glory loves mysteries and I love fiction. So we decided that we would let you choose anything from those two genres. Start thinking now of a book that has had an impact on you. It will be fun to hear each other's reviews and I suspect it will also give us each some new ideas for "what to read next".

The remaining topics will be as follows:

8/28-Learning to say "no"
9/11-Overcoming the "people pleaser" syndrome
9/25-TIPS AND TRICKS facing your parenting fears
10/9-book review
10/23-Dealing with grief
11/13-Being single again
12/11-Trying to be something/someone you are not

Come one, come all, and join us on Tuesday!


I need to close out the summer by giving something away. This time there is something for Mommy AND baby! So please leave a comment in this post (lurkers - you too!) and you will be entered in a drawing for this covered baby wipes container and miniature desk organization kit, all of which are very matchy-matchy and cute. The winner will be announced on Friday, August 30. So there is plenty of time to get a good group of entrees and create lots of yummy anticipation!

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  1. Count me in on the drawing.

  2. I can't wait for W2W! Also, count me in on the drawing. Can't wait!



  3. Hi! Lei, I'm so glad its time for WTW again...mumple already has her post up, if you haven't seen it yet, its really good & mumplish as usual.

    Count me in on the drawing, if you please!

  4. I'm exited for the upcoming WTW!

  5. i haven't been able to participate for a while. i'm actually pretty excited about the topics coming up. way way cute wipes holder...

  6. I used to be the queen of this month's topic. However since having my latest child, I have learned to say "no." And with eloquence.

    There are so many hours in the day that if I start sacrificing the things and people I love for things I don't, then I have lost perspective all together.

  7. Cute prizes and great topics!!

  8. So cute! I know a new mommy who could use that wipes holder, and I would love the matchy mommy stuff.

    Thanks for the W2W. Note to me - just say no!

  9. Thank you for posting the topics--I like to think about stuff!

    Add me to the drawing, please :-) I don't have a baby, but we still use wipes for various accidents.

  10. I'm in for the drawing! Those topics, for woman to woman, sound really interesting! I'll have to join, if I can remember! ;)

    Love your banner, by the way! I haven't had a chance to tell you that yet! LOVE it!

  11. Pick me, pick me!

    I have company in town this week, but hopefully I will be able to start participating in Woman to Woman again next month.

  12. This WTW has me really thinking. I look forward to reading what everyone has to say on it. Another great topic!

  13. sounds like a good topic-I'll be back on Tuesday!

  14. Great prizes, enter me in the drawing!

  15. I really really really need to learn how to say "NO." It is not in my vocabulary. Of course, I don't always want to say no, but when I need to say no, I need to know how!

    Count me in the drawing! How adorable!

  16. count me in! i am in need of having the strength to say no...

  17. I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts when you do Woman to Woman since I found your blog this summer. Curious how it works, do I write a blog about the topic? I have much to say about it, that's for sure!

  18. Lei - Your blog is BEAUTIFUL!!! And inspiring. I can't wait for W2W day. Count me in on the drawing too. Thanks.

  19. I would LOVE some ideas on saying "no". I love the other up-coming topics.


  20. Pick me, Pick me!!!
    hush... sorry thst was my nose talking, now it's me. I wanna win

  21. Me too! Those look like good things to have!

  22. count me in on the drawing and I love the upcoming W2W topic

  23. Hi, you have an eye catching header in your blog! Really nice. I came here from Michele's blog. She is being featured in PPP.

    Visit my blog and keep in touch...

    Be my friend!

  24. Hi Lei, I haven't been "lurking" too long, but figured it was as good a time as ever to say hi! I really like reading your blog, and I loved your contest entry where you wrote about your mom's collecting. I can TOTALLY relate, as the daughter of a collector (should I say hoarder?). Take care, and I'll try to comment when even you haven't offered up bait! Becky

  25. i'll be reading what others have to say - i need some help with saying NO before I blow my top.

  26. How sweet of you to do this, Lei! Thanks for the chance.rjdqds


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!